Classroom Madness

[Myself & Sunshine 60 have decided to create this story together. Enjoy ]

Pegasus have send out invitations to some Duelists - Yugi/Atemu, Judai, Yusei, Rebecca & Marik with Odion following. At first thought, they think its a duel tournament..despite the location is at Domino High, however as they all step into the classroom destination...

Judai : WHAT?! STUDY?!
Pegasus : That's right Judai - boy. It seems that dueling have somehow give a side effect which neglect your educations. So... I have decided to host and become your teacher for this little class to teach and all of you are my lucky students. Hoh hoh hoh.
Judai : NOOOOOOO!!!!!
Yusei : Err.... what is going on?
Atemu : One word... Study.
Yusei : ... what is study?
Atemu : It's to learn.
Yusei : ...learn what?
Atemu : Well.. umm.. lessons.
Yusei : ... what is this "Lessons" ?
Atemu : Well... umm.. err.. Subjects.. like well for me back then is umm.. Magic and sorcery stuff.. not sure about modern stuff though..
Yusei : ....subjects?
Atemu : .....
Yusei : *stare at Atemu with an eyebrow twitching up*
Atemu : *sweats* Umm.. you starting to err.. freak me out..

Marik : Umm... so why am I being drag in too?
Pegasus : Well.. you are cute and the most girlish man. Well second actually. I just can't resist your girlish look. Odion is here too. Hoh hoh.
Odion : I always go wherever Master Marik go.
Marik : Yup.
Atemu : Umm.. why did you ask Aibou to switch with me for this umm.. class of yours?
Pegasus : Hoh hoh. I just want to see how smart you are, Your Highness.
Atemu : ..yeah..right..
Marik : that .. the annoying blondy with her evil Teddy?
Rebecca : I'm SOOOOO gonna ace this class hahahahaha
Teddy : I'm gonna eat your souls!!
Judai : Cool a talking bear!!
Rebecca : He's not a bear! He's my friend.
Marik : An evil friend that is...
Yusei : Hmm.. must be possess.. Pharaoh, I heard from Judai ya can destroy evil right? Mind ya do that to that thingy?
Atemu : Humph sure.
Rebecca : Hey!! NO!!

Pegasus : Alright settle down please. Let us begin then with.. Maths. Addition time! 10 + 2 equals?
Rebecca : Hah easy... 12!!
Pegasus : Very good hoh hoh hoh.
Marik : *confuse* err...what?
Odion : ...
Yusei : ...umm..Maths?
Atemu : *speechless*
Pegasus : How about this then... 1355 + 2638?
Rebecca : Hah 3993!!
Atemu : *sweats* ...err.. umm.. Judai what's Addi..tion?
Yusei : Yeah. Since ya learn at Duel Academy.
Judai : Hey! Hey! Don't ask me! I hate Maths okay! Besides... I don't even listen in class at ALL!
Pegasus : Next.. 2450 + 3115. Your Highness, I want you to answer this please hoh hoh.
Atemu : *sweats* W-W-What? Umm... err..
Atemu : *whispers* J-Judai..Mind helping me out?
Judai : *sweats* I-I... forgot..
Atemu : *sweats* Yusei?
Yusei : ..err..
Atemu : *sweats* ...forget I ask... me please?
Yugi : Hehe... Sorry can't do.
Atemu : Grrr I'm gonna strangle you later..
Yugi : *gulp*

Rebecca : I answer it 5565! Heh heh too bad.. Your Highnessssss
Pegasus : Yes you are right yet again.
Atemu : Grr...*mumble* She's next in my "to kill" list..
Pegasus : 2440 + 633
Marik : *giddy* I.. don't feel.. so good..*faints*
Odion : *crying* I'm so ashamed that I can't help you Master Marik!!
Rebecca : 3073!!
Teddy : Yes yes yes kill them from the inside!!

Yusei : *irritated* That thingy is extremely annoying..
Atemu : *annoyed* Grr.. I can't take more... of this.. or else I will..
Judai : AAAAAHHH I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!! *picks up chair and throws at Pegasus*
Pegasus : EEEEKKK!!! *dodges* Calm yourself please!!

- Judai went rampage -

Yusei : Humph this is a complete waste of time.. not to mention annoying..
Atemu : *irritated* I'm getting out of here..*walks off*
Yusei : Same here. *follows behind*
Pegasus : *sweats* But but.. you can't leave. It''s against the rules!! AAHH!! *dodges another chair Judai threw*
Atemu : *angry* SCREW THE RULES!!! .... great... Now I speak just like Kaiba.. Humph whatever! *walks away*
Yusei : *sweats* I better don't say a word to him.. or else he might explode more...*goosebumps*
Judai : *fed up* I'M OUTTA HERE! *walks off*
Pegasus : *sweats* P-Please...don't leave.
Judai : *stops and turns* You want to know why I hate studying btw?
Pegasus : Indeed...why? Why you hate it so much Judai - boy?
Judai : *irritated* Because SHUT UP!! *stomp off*
Pegasus : *stoned*
Rebecca : Man those three are pathetic..right Teddy-chan?
Teddy : I'm sensing that blue spiky hair is going to kill me later...
Marik : *awake* Huh..What happen... to the room?
Odion : *crying* I'm so ashamed of mtself... Master Marik have miss all the juicy events.. waahhhaaahahaaa...
Marik : Ugh.. I know it's something about Maths..Maths..Maths..oh no.. the giddiness is back..*turns green and vomits*
Odion : *crying* I'm so ashamed.. Master Marik falls ill again!! the end, Pegasus have learn a good lesson.. Choose the correct people to teach especially not the ones who are against studying..or modern..or ..umm.. school itself. Or else.. Chaos will happen.
