Cheering up Atemu

Credits to the Owner

The story is based on this picture which is at my Aibou's world -!_obsessed/

[ Aibou - Sunshine 60 - & I have come up with this story ]

- At the Cafe -

Yugi, Judai & Yusei are having milkshakes, while Yusei having Chocolate Mocha, to cool off when Judai senses Yugi is not at his usual happy mood...

Judai : Are you alright Yugi - san? You don't look too happy ever since we met just now.
Yusei : Yeah. Anything we can help ya with?
Yugi : *sighs* just that...Mou Hitori No Boku has been in deep thought lately these days... not even a crack of smile to be seen on his face. I try to approach and talk to him but.. he will just say "it's nothing" to me and walks off into his chamber. It's not like him...

- silence -

Judai : *sipping milkshake* Hmmm... *sip sip* hmm... *sip sip*
Yusei : *irritated* Can ya stop sipping your milkshake and tell us already! I know ya have a plan in that brain of yours. Like always.
Yugi : You have an idea how to cheer him up Judai - kun?
Judai : Hmm... *sip sip* Of course I have a plan hehe. Here's how it goes *sip sip*
Yusei : *irritated* Grrrr... *snatches away Judai's milkshake*
Judai : Hey! I was drinking it!
Yusei : *irritated* Tell the plan or your milkshake gets it.
Judai : *sweats* Okay okay.. Yugi - san, why don't you try telling him some jokes?
Yugi : Jokes? ...I don't know...Mou Hitori No Boku is not a type of person who laughs much. Like Yusei.
Yusei : Humph ya right about that. *sipping his mocha*
Judai : C'mon Yugi - san! Give it a shot! I will tell you my secret weapon too hehe.
Yugi : Umm..okay.
Yusei : Secret weapon huh.. humph must be one of his lame jokes..
Judai : *irritated* HEY!

- later at night, inside the millennium puzzle maze -

Yugi : *went out of his chamber* Hmm... I wonder he's in his room..

Yugi went to open Atemu's door, which then he saw Atemu sitting with his arms fold and his eyes close, deep in thought.

Atemu : Something the matter Aibou?
Yugi : *startled* Umm..err..sorry to bother you Mou Hitori No Boku...
Atemu : *opens his eyes* So.. anything wrong?
Yugi : *sweats* Err...umm..
Atemu : *looks at Yugi with a blank stare*
Yugi : *sweats* Umm.. just wondering.. if you have heard umm.. this joke I heard about.
Atemu : Let me hear it.
Yugi : *sweats* Umm okay... *mumble* here goes nothing..
Yugi : Why does the one - hand man crosses the road?
Atemu : ...why?
Yugi : Because he is going to the second hand shop.
Atemu : ....
Yugi : *sweats* ..guess you heard that one huh?
Atemu : Humph.. that is really a lame joke Aibou.
Yugi : *sweats**mumble* I knew it.. Yusei is right after all... *sighs*
Atemu : Hmm..? Aibou?
Yugi : *sweats* Errr nothing. I..I better go umm.. back to bed.. bye! *closes the door*
Atemu : Humph wonder what's wrong with Aibou..

- next day at the cafe again -

Judai : *cheerful* So how did it go Yugi - san?
Yugi : *sighs* Cold wind just blow pass when I told him the joke.
Judai : Huh?
Yusei : He means.. its lame and the Pharaoh didn't laugh.
Judai : OOOO ~ I see. Not a problem! There's always plan B!
Yugi : Plan B?
Judai : Yup! Hmm I don't know about your spiritual world in the puzzle Yugi - san but.. can you bring in items from the outside world?
Yugi : Well there are items inside the puzzle that I imagine. What items are you speaking of Judai -kun?
Judai : Just one... a whoopy cushion hehe.
Yusei : Yugi.. I advise ya don't take on with this one. Trust me.. it will end badly for ya.
Yugi : Err...
Judai : Hehe c'mon! Just put at where Pharaoh will usually sits. Trust me it will work.
Yusei : will work but not in a happy way...
Judai : *irritated* Who ask you!
Judai : *cheerful* Go ahead with the plan and tell us about it tomorrow okay?
Yugi : *sweats* Hmm o-okay..

- at night -

Yugi : *opens Atemu's door* Hmm? He's not in...okay here goes..
Yugi : *puts the cushion, which he imagined in his chamber room, as told* Just hope Judai - kun is right about this..

- later -

Yugi : Hmm... that's weird.. nothing happen.. I wonder Mou Hitori No Boku is back in his room.
Yugi : *inside Atemu's room* Hmm he's still not in... !!! The cushion.. is gone.

- the door slam shut behind Yugi -

...looking for something..Aibou..

- three glowing eyes appear behind Yugi -

Yugi : *trembling* ...err... Oh no...this aura.. this wicked aura..
Yugi : *turns around slowly* Err heh heh...well umm... funny you would ask me that..
Atemu : *in the dark, the three glowing eyes stare at Yugi* Funny.. huh..
Yugi : *sweats* ...Umm.. hehe..*gulp*
Atemu : *grabs Yugi's neck* Heh.. let's see... if you like this then.. Aibou.. *evil chuckle*
Yugi : *sweats* Oh no...that chuckle..


- next day -

Judai : *cheerful* How did it go? hehe.
Yugi : Yusei.. you are right yet again.. *sighs*
Yusei : Humph I told ya so.
Judai : didn't work...Ah! I know! This plan might work!
Yugi : *sweats* N-No more please Judai - kun! I already suffer enough! Mou Hitori No Boku is really scary last night and almost umm...
Yusei : What happen?
Judai : Ya tell us.
Yugi : *sweats* Umm heh heh... best you guys shouldn't know about it..
Judai : C'mon Yugi - san!
Yugi : *goosebumps* ... it's really even imagine it again.. just to say that his wrath.. is really terrifying when his mad...*shivers*
Yusei : So..what are ya going to do now?
Judai : Yeah Yugi - san? Since you don't want any more of my ideas.
Yusei : *smiles* It's a good thing too heh heh.
Judai : *irritated* Yusei!!
Yugi : Well I guess I try something else then later.. thanks for trying to help me though Judai - kun.
Judai : No problem! See at least he appreciates my ideas for helping him.
Yusei : Humph ya.. with an opposite effect that is.
Judai : *angry* That's it Yusei! You and your critism are going down! HIYAAAAA!! *pounce on Yusei*
Yugi : *smiles* Hehe.

- later -

Yugi : *opens Atemu's door* Mou Hitori No Boku... mind follow me for a moment?
Atemu : Sure Aibou.

Yugi brought Atemu to a door bringing them to the Duel Monster World (seen in season 4)

- garden area -

Atemu : So.. why do bring me here for Aibou?...Aibou? Hmm...*sits down on the grass*
Yugi : *in hiding* Hope this works... *sprays water on Atemu from behind*
Atemu : *angry* Aibou!
Yugi : *sweats* Oh no..Great... I made him mad instead!
Atemu : *drench* *sighs* ..What's wrong Aibou? You have been acting strangely these days.
Yugi : *snaps* W-WHAT?! *sprays more water on Atemu* Me?! YOU HAVE BEEN ACTING STRANGE THESE DAYS!
Atemu : *drench even more* Me?
Yugi : *angry* YEAH! *sprays more water*
Atemu : Would you stop that!
Yugi : *sits beside Atemu**sighs* ...I'm just.. trying to make you smile..I even ask Judai - kun for his ideas..
Atemu : *drench* Humph that explains those lame stuff...listen Aibou..I didn't mean to worry you.
Yugi : are always look so down these days..
Atemu : *smiles* Heh heh.. you should know me better than that Aibou. I don't usually smile unless I want to.
Yugi : *blush*'re saying that.. you are not down or anything?
Atemu : *smiles* Heh yeah...
Yugi : *blush* Hehe.. sorry I made those ridiculous stuff on bad..
Atemu : Speaking of that..*takes the water hose beside Yugi and sprays on him*
Yugi : *drench* Hahaha Mou Hitori No Boku haha...stop it! Haha.
Atemu : Heh heh this is for what you done to me today! Haha.

- next day -

Yusei : Yo! How ya doing today?
Yugi : *cheerful* Good hehe.
Yusei : Cool ya back to your normal self.
Yugi : Hehe yup! Hmmm? Where's Judai - kun?
Yusei : *smiles* Oh him... heh heh let's just say.. he's in bed.. literally.
Yugi : ???

- at the Red Dome -

Judai : *all bandage up like a mummy**angry* YUSEI!! I'M GOING TO GET YOU NEXT TIME!!!

So Yugi is happy again.. to think he jump into conclusion that fast, end up being ridiculous himself. Hmm why Judai all bandage up? Well... he lost the fight to Yusei.. really really bad hehe.
