Learning Turbo Duel With Yusei [2]

Judai & Atemu, who is force to learn by Yugi, have struggle a lot from all those balancing training by Yusei which end up...well pretty bad. Now, they are in for training for the second round..hoping it will turn out well for them.

- Yugi's Room -

Yugi : *dressing up in black bondage style* Why is it again you force me to wake up this early, Mou Hitori No Boku?
Atemu : Oh nothing...just to meet up with Yusei and Judai - kun for another balancing training.. *snaps* THAT YOU PUSHED IT TO ME!!
Yugi : *sweats* I-I didn't mean to heh heh... I..err..too actually bad at it.
Atemu : *irritated* Humph...
Yugi : All set. Let's go then. Where to Mou Hitori No Boku?
Atemu : Bicycle Shop...*sighs* Just hope I can brake that damn bike this time..

- Bicycle Shop -

Yusei : All right ya guys, let's make it easier this time. We are just going for a ride in a park.
Atemu : Without dueling?
Yusei : Yeah. Just to get the balancing part first.
Judai : Man that's good to hear... all right let's go! *begins to cycle*
Atemu : *sweats & wobbling* Umm..err...
Yusei : Take it slow and steady. Ya will soon get the hang of it. *shouts at Judai ahead of them* That goes for ya too Judai!! Or else -!!
Judai : AAAAAHHHH!!! *crashes into the side bushes* OUCH!! NOT THE SQUIRREL AGAIN!! GET OFF OF ME!!
Yusei : *sweats* Nevermind...

3 hours have passed..Atemu & Judai finally able to cycle and brake properly. The Trio then stops at the drink stall for a break..well not exactly a break.

Yusei : *smiles* Looks like ya guys have mastered the balancing part. Great job!
Atemu : *smiles* Haha thanks.
Judai : *hyper* YEAH FINALLY!! All those bruises, efforts and squirrel butt bitings have paid off!
Yusei : Haha yeah. Now comes to the next part of Turbo Dueling, things that you need to know during the duel. First off, Turbo Duel only occurred in Speed World - a special field magic activated when both sides have accepted a Turbo Duel. The only magic cards usable are "speed spells".
Atemu : Speed spells?
Yusei : Yeah. Depending on the number of speed counters ya have, ya can use it. Of course, the counter will decrease and so as ya D-Wheeler speed.
Judai : *confused* W-Wait...use speed spells..err..counters..D-Wheeler speed..umm...
Atemu : Hmm...I see..go on..
Judai : *confused* Err...speed counter affect..the spell? Wait...umm..or is it the other way around??
Yusei : So if example, ya have 5 speed counters & ya use a 2 speed spell, your speed counter will decrease and so as you D-Wheeler speed. Also, max counter will be 12. When it comes to your turn, one speed counter will be added.
Atemu : ....hmmm...I see...
Judai : *confused* Speed..speed..speed..AAAAHH I DON'T GET IT!! Pharaoh, explain to me what he meant.
Atemu : *sweats* Umm...er..I kinda confused myself actually. I am lost when the part of speed counter came in. I just agree to everything he said from that point on hehe.
Yusei : *sighs* All right, nevermind...let's do the coordination training. Time for both of ya to duel.
Judai : *sweats* ...I hate this part...

Atemu & Judai activate their Duel Disks

Atemu & Judai : DUEL!!

Begin to cycle...

Judai : *wobbling* I'll go first..whoa...D-Dra-AAAAHHH!! *falls sideways into the bush again*
Yusei : *sweats* Not again...
Judai ; *pops out of the bush* AAAHH!! How CAN you balance when both of your hands are NOT at the handle bars?!
Yusei : One word...balance.
Judai : *irritated* Grrr...
Atemu : *sweats* Give it another go Judai - kun. Though I haven't try myself..
JudaI : *irritated* All right. *started to cycle again with the rest* I s-summon E.H Burst-Burst-Burst...bike..*wobbling*
Atemu : *sweats* Burst? ...BurstBike? Your bike tyre burst?
Judai : BURSTINATRIX in defense. End turn. *irritated* Man that is so irritating..
Yusei ; Ya almost fall again haha. Your turn to try and summon Pharaoh.
Atemu : *sweats* Umm..ok. My turn. *wobbling* D-D-D-D...Draw! *sighs* This is getting..annoying. I summon...Abnoxious Celtic Guardian..in attack m-mode. Attack E.H Burstinatrix!

Judai LP 3900

Yusei : *smiles* Good. Ya able to control yourself.
Atemu : Thanks haha.
Judai : My turn. Draw! *excited* Hey!! I did it!! I can draw while balancing the bike!! SWEET!
Yusei : *sweats* Err...Judai, ya might want to watch where ya cycling infront of ya.
Judai : Huh? *looks infront* AAAAHHHH!!! *crashes at the tree*
Atemu & Yusei : *look at Judai in pain*
Atemu : *sweats*..oooo..that's going to leave a mark on his face..
Yusei : *sweats* Yeah...I forgot to mention...always be aware what's infront of ya...
Judai : *lying on the grass faced down* ....why..d-didn't you m-mention it earlier..ouch..
Yusei : My bad hehe *sticking his tongue out at the side*
Atemu : *sweats* Umm...we better bandage him up..I mean his face..

- Yugi's House -

Judai's face kinda bandage up...although the scratches are minimum..

Judai : *angry* HFJADBHFJACABKJA!!
Yusei : I-I'm sorry..we don't understand ya.
Atemu : Here. Aibou has a writing pad. Talk to us through here.
Yusei : *smiles* Heh heh. Well ya want to learn to ride it. So...I just pinch in ya know. Heh heh.
Judai : *fumes* Grrrrr!! *went to strangle Yusei*
Atemu : *sweats* ...these two will always be like this...
Yugi : I guess both of you will not master Turbo Dueling huh?
Atemu : I guess...btw Aibou..*angry glare* I'm going to get even with you later..
Yugi : *sweats* Umm...you're joking right?
Atemu : No...*evil glare* I mean it....
Yugi : *sweats* *gulp*...oh no..
