Hey guys. This world is where I'll put up any cool pictures that I've got, any cool websites that I've found, or just really cool fanfictions if you're into them. I might even suggest videos or put the episodes up for easier use. All of Yu-Gi-Oh! of course. :) Thanks for visiting and I hope my first world turns out ok. ^^'


Ok....I tried putting the video up....but, I`m sorry, it won't show. I bet you I'm the one doing something wrong....
(Sakura: No duh.)
ME: Oh have I introduced you to my evil half? Sakura? Not inspired by Naruto. I just really like that name.
(Sakura: *waves innocently* Hi.)
ME: *whispers* Don`t let her fool you.
(Sakura: -.-)

So here`s the link to the video I wanted to show. Again, sorry. xD
I really like this opening. xD It's season 3 from the Japanese version. ^^

hehe....hope you like that intro.... xD

Who Am I?

Hi! Lol. Just an introduction on me. Just starting grade 10 in September in 2010 but that's not until 2 months or so from now. I'm into anime. A whole bunch of it. No doubt about it. xD

My favourites will have to be Yu-Gi-Oh! (of course), Death Note, Card Captor, Tsubasa, Naruto, and any anime suggested. I'm sure I'll like all of 'em.......now if I can actually watch them all... xD

If you have any questions, just message me. Oh and just call me Sarah. Ok? xD hehe. Thanks. :) For taking the time to read this and visit my world. ^^

WAAHHHH! This is the last image of Yami! (Oh and if you haven't alreayd noticed, which is ok, I can get pretty hyper... xD) I edited this picture. *sighs* I'm gonna miss him! *crying all oevr again* xD
