YAAAAY! Im a happy tree stump! :P

Okay, this part right here has nothing to do with anything, I just thought I'd let you all know that: Today I was throwing the ball around with muh friend, and I wasn't paying attention at the time, when all of I sudden I see the ball flying straigt toward me. Thinking not to fast, I scooched over to the side and the ball hit me on the side of muh arm. It hurt. >~< Its gunna be a bruise. And it's not gunna be in the best spot either...
Now back to the Naruto topic:
*jumps down from a nearby tree and spots you* oh, hello. Yui Uchiha here! I'd like to give you some really good news on my behalf: I am now a member of Teh Biju Club. :D You shoukd really join, it's like, super awesome in there! And the owner is freakin' SUPER AWESOME JABILLION TIMES AWESOMER THAN CHOCOLATE! @_@ and I take my chocolate seriosly. xD Any way, just thought I'd let you know. *bows* And now I will rant a little about my OC character and what she's like. (Im not gunna tell you what she looks like and stuff cuz you can find that info in The Biju Club if you're willing to try :D)

Name: Yui Uchiha
Demon: Cat that looks more like a tiger.
# OF Tails: 5
Siblings: Younger brother is Sasuke and older is Itachi. Some say I migt be able to surpass Itachi's level at my pace. *snicker*
Friends: Likes to hang out with Naruto most of the time, but when he's not around the most common people you'll find her with are:
Hinata (she's actually really open to Yui)
Lee (he's super fun! xD)
Kakashi (yes, he thinks Yui's fun to be around! :D)
Gaara (they get along, really well. Strange...)
Neji (surprisingly, he likes to be around Yui)
Anko (shes super fun to train with! xDDDDDD)
Tsunade (yes, even the Hokage takes time to spen with Yui)
Choji (She can tell why Choji is Shikamaru's best friend)
Sasuke (even Mr.Emo likes to be around Yui)
Shino (hes actually really fun o.o)
Kiba (rawrrrrr! xD)
and she has a lot more, but to many to describe.
Want to know more? PM me and I can tell you what I can! :D
p.s: The picture at the top is AWESOME!
