Miyagi Kazuhiko is disillusioned of the world. He lives for nothing, for no one but his dear little sister, Yuki. He just wanted his secluded and peaceful life to last forever. Until one day, a group of mysterious people appeared and kidnapped Yuki. The devastated Kazuhiko then resolved to give his life to protect her and received training from a mysterious man who showed up at the scene and revealed the truth behind his beloved little sister.

Themes: Siblings, Supernatural, Action, Romance, Comedy (?), Swordplay, Magic, Guns.

Objectionable content: bloodshed.

Status-Forget character designs for now since it's kinda taking too long, I'M STARTING REGARDLESS. Work on both instead of just one lol cuz I take forever :P

Inspiration: my obsession with swords, music.

Miyagi Kazuhiko/Winter Ace concept art

Protagonist of Yuki.

- Personal Info

Age-14, for now
Personality: Lazy, bored, quiet, calm, level-headed, somewhat optimistic. Kazuhiko almost never talks with anyone. However, he talks A LOT with his little sister, who he cherishes the most. He despises the world due to his troubled childhood when he witnessed the bloody murder of his parents.
Hobbies: Kendo, sleeping, reading manga.
Favorite food: Tofu (Also my favorite)
Likes: Sister (Not the evil lovers' like, just brother-sister), cute things, anime/manga, music, kendo and tennis.
Dislikes: Almost everything, especially crowded place and interaction with other people who are not his little sister. School.
Favorite Colors: Black and white
Favorite types of music: Soothing, rock, eerie.
Skills: Cooking, very dexterous due to part-time job.
Favorite Saying: "What is a God?"
Meaning of Existence: Solitude, Despair.
Theme song: Bad Apple

What happened to my fresh drawing of his battle mode? It was supposed to show up along with this post. Please stay tune while I try to fix this problem!
