A little about me:

Hobbies: Games, Anime, learning Japanese and recently started playing Piano.

What I do: I'm currently at university in my first year.

Music: Eeh, everything?

Me: I'm soft. Deal with it. Myah.

If you'd like any more information, ask me, I won't be bothered by it.


I would like to give some words of advice to people.
Although I don't really know you lot, it matters to me how everyone is feeling, feel free to speak to me whenever you wish, I'll try and give a helping hand. :)

I feel quite content most of the time and it feels great when I can help cheer someone up.

So yeah, I feel content at the moment, it's peaceful.
Anyhow, here is a song that is quite emotional but also inspiring for me. ^^

I hope everyone is feeling good today.

I'm breaking...

Eugh, times like this I wish I had company around here.
Little tip for all of you out there, never bottle emotions up, it is not healthy, I can tell you through first hand experience.
I can handle and compose myself well most times, then there are the random breakdown moments, it is really inconvenient but it's my own fault really. Aah well. I should make the best out of a bad situation.
I hope everyone's enjoyed their day.

It's times like this I need somebody here, how unfortunate for me. Anyhow, here's a hug to anyone who's feeling down.

My memory is fading

Yeah, I didn't know what day it was today until now.
I am in a society and they usually have a thing on 6-9, I kind of only just noticed that I missed that and that it is Wednesday, at 23:50...

There is something going wrong in my memory. But on the plus side, I managed to watch all the anime episodes I had planned for today. ^^

Exam Results

So far I have received a couple exam results back, I got 44% on an essay, 88 in Physics and 48 in Chemistry, they are my only results so far, but at least I passed my Chemistry exam. That I am thankful for considering I had to do self teaching for the first half of the year.

Awaiting my Maths and Biology results now. Taking their sweet time with it.

Anyhow, how is everyone? :)

Such a peaceful night

Hey everyone, a little night update for me, it's currently 11:50pm and recently I haven't be able to relax and collect my thoughts. Tonight is different, I am extremely peaceful tonight, I'm not fully aware of what has caused this but it's made me feel great. :)

So as a result, I'd also like to pass this happiness/content feeling onto you guys. All the best for the times ahead of you. Good luck with everything. ^^