A little about me:

Hobbies: Games, Anime, learning Japanese and recently started playing Piano.

What I do: I'm currently at university in my first year.

Music: Eeh, everything?

Me: I'm soft. Deal with it. Myah.

If you'd like any more information, ask me, I won't be bothered by it.

Nyeeeeh! :(

Soooooo, anybody know any anime with insane Yandere characters? I'd like to know. I am having trouble finding good ones. Very disappoint that apparently nobody can reach Yuno's amazing standard in Mirai Nikki. Much disappoint, want more crazy things like that.


Because she dominates my phone now too.

I wonder how long it's been

Meow. I don't even recall the last time I updated this. I actually forgot I had this thing to post on. Although I have no updates (casual boring life of mine)

Instead. Song. Since I will most likely be asked for the title as usual. ;)

Title: The Offspring - Defy You.

Actually started a new anime :o

I actually started watching an anime I hadn't seen before, was meaning to watch it for a long while and just never got round to it since I kind of fell out of watching it for a bit (many reasons behind that, not discussing).

So far, I am all of 2 episodes in and I am really enjoying it, the first time in a long while. Although, it is another Romance, I guess I am just a sucker for these things. xD

How are we all today?


Meowowowow. The usual do for me, being awake before 10am every day, it seems to be going well. I feel pretty good most days too. :)

Although this song keeps me awake longer than I should be just because I love singing to it, one guy can sing, one can't exactly. But ah well.

Nyaya nya nyyyaaaaaa. Song.

Valentine's Day?

I personally don't celebrate this, but I found an image which would be about perfect to describe me. :)

Happy Valentines day to those who do celebrate.