A little about me:

Hobbies: Games, Anime, learning Japanese and recently started playing Piano.

What I do: I'm currently at university in my first year.

Music: Eeh, everything?

Me: I'm soft. Deal with it. Myah.

If you'd like any more information, ask me, I won't be bothered by it.


I sits on the chair.

My Day

My day started yesterday, I did another night without sleep. :P

I was constructive this time, well. Maybe not. Played games until midnight, watched anime until 5am, OCD struck so I had to do cleaning, then I watched more anime. It's now 8:25am. My day started at erm, 3am yesterday? Something like that. How am I still awake you ask? I don't even know. Myah. I am wide awake, but hungry, too bad I have to wait an hour before I am allowed food. Aah well.

Managed to finish 2 series of anime today which I was watching, that brings my list up to around, I think it is 120 series watched within, 6 months? It might be more than 120, average of around 20 per month though. This life. xD

Also, any recommendations on anime I can watch? I have 3 months before I need to do any more work, so I need a list of around 60 anime series. Recommendations. I like Romance anime a lot. Will accept any ideas, I won't be naming all the ones I've seen otherwise this post would be much longer than this and this is a damn long post for me.

Everyone, good luck with anything you have, I shall depart back to my own world now and wait for people to wake up. Although I want to do more cleaning. I'm turning feminine. :') (or so I claim) I blabbed on. Woops.

Anyhow, here is a song. Thousand Foot Krutch - Welcome to the Masquerade. It is a heavy rock sort of thing Hifsa. It's good, do as I say! Listen. Muahaha. Ciao.

Hifsa, read, myah.

Hi Hifsa. That is all. :P

Before you ask, I'm not drunk. Yet.

Anyway, hey everyone, random update, may be more random than normal. I just want to wish everyone a good day for whenever they see this, if it's the end of the day, the next day is yours! Keep up the good work at everything you do, if you don't do enough, start trying hard to achieve your dreams! Hyah!

And that is my post at, 1:15am from a slightly tipsy Jason. Good day to all. Enjoy. ^^

Oh, on a side note, I managed to learn Hiragana, Katakana and 53 Kanji in 3 days. I can now read part of Japanese. Starting to sort've translate childrens books, this is fun. Still looking for someone fluent so I can practice speech and check translations. Myah. Message me if so. Ta da.


So, I have had 9 hours sleep in the past 3 days, as well as 2 exams. Living the life. :P

Anyway. I watched machine doll, erm, no idea when , a while ago. (lost track of days) Here is the ending song. It's awesome. Myah. Enjoy.


I like it, so here's some binary. 10110111 + 11011110. Add these together. Myah.

Not sure why I posted this, kind've got bored.