Guize. People think this racist, what do you think?

If any of you have heard the song "Hello Kitty" by Avril Lavigne, you might or most likely would've heard the argument that this is racist. Personally, I don't get what everyone is getting mad about, I don't see how it's racist but the comments some people made. THOSE WERE FUNNY. Damn, I have never heard so many stupid things before.

I even read one, somebody said "Trying to speak Japanese is racist." Oh wow. How dumb can people get? I mean. Man, I am learning Japanese, I try to speak it, I might get some pronunciations wrong with certain combinations of sounds. But damn, it doesn't mean I'm racist. The world is funny. :P

On another note, let me know what you think racism is in itself. I am intrigued, I might end up criticizing some of your views, don't take it harshly, I end up doing it all the time, but it doesn't mean I say you can't believe that. Just ask Hifsa, she deals with me more than anyone and somehow survives. xD

Anyway. Song here. Avril Lavigne - Hello Kitty. Let me hear your views. Myah.
