
*twitch* There are a few- *twitch twitch* people who like the coupling of HaruYuki in this world. *telltale griiin* ^________*""" Ohhh, yea. Would you like an example? I'm a girl, just so you know. Everyone thinks I'm like Haruhi at my school. THOSSSE people who I've shown the manga and/or anime to at least do. (Heey, wonder why? Bet its cuz I'ma pushy crazy bitch. ;p ). Well, anyway, I have a girlfriend, who everyone thinks is like Yuki. (She's quiet and ... well, if you know The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, than you know how SHE is). Muuust say---they make QUITE a couple idea in the anime. ;) Look 'em up if you don't know them. I'm sure you'll be moderately satisfied.

The aggressive pushy attitude vs. the mild tolerating one. Do they balance each other off? I'd say so. Hell I'd vote to see a movie made of this couple. ;)
