Your coming here was hitsuzen.
Angelic Layer CardCaptor Sakura Chobits CLAMP School Legal Drug Magic Knight Rayearth RG Veda Suki Tokyo Babylon Tsubasa Wish X XXXHOLiC
*Note: Not all links updated yet. If you find broken links, tell me, please.
Your coming here was hitsuzen.
Angelic Layer CardCaptor Sakura Chobits CLAMP School Legal Drug Magic Knight Rayearth RG Veda Suki Tokyo Babylon Tsubasa Wish X XXXHOLiC
*Note: Not all links updated yet. If you find broken links, tell me, please.
The links in the introduction are functional.
Most of the series have brief, unpolished synopses now. I haven't added any extras yet, or even checked myself to make sure the summaries are completely accurate.
When updates are complete, I intend to have for each sereis
It'll be a lot of work, and but it'll be worth it, I think ^_~
EDIT: Not two seconds after wiring all the links to direct to posts relating to each series on MyO, I find that there is indeed a function that will allow linking to specific posts on TheO, as well. I hadn't realized that. However, whether or not I change them will be based on how easy multiple image posting is on TheO now. I haven't tried it yet.
RE-EDIT: Multiple image posting, as near as I can tell, is impossible. "[IMG]" coding doesn't work, and I don't think I know any other way this site might take an image except the "imbed image" code, which only allows one per post. I think.
RE-RE-EDIT: Yes. Only one image per post on TheO, and only then in JPG form. No GIFs, apparently, which is no fun at all. I shall keep the links wired to MyO, which is much more accomodating.
This is, basically, a shrine concerning any of CLAMP's works- things like CardCaptor Sakura, Legal Drug, X, xxxHOLiC, and Tsubasa, among quite a few others.
As you can see, this area is still under construction. Please bear with me until I figure out the workings of designing these 'worlds' and exactly what I intend to do with this one ^_~