Episode 21: Suspicions Arise

[Yusuke, Kuwabara, Kurama, and Kaisei stand on a moonlit hill, staring up at the stars.]

Yusuke: [to Kaisei] So has pacifier-breath have you taking big bad demons down still?

Kaisei: Ha! I dealt with tougher ones at home when I was a kid.

Kuwabara: You’d think demon problems would have gotten worse after free passage between worlds; but they aren’t all as bad as people make them out to be. After the holiday, I need to start my thesis statement. I was thinking about doing it on the misconceptions about demons.

Kurama: That could be quite thought-provoking to read; and beneficial towards demons that have come to Human World to seek refuge.

Yusuke: [to Kaisei] So shrimp, you wanted to ask something?

Kaisei: Yeah, a couple of things, actually. Now that we’re away from the others, I was wondering, does this detective business make your mind go wak?

Yusuke: What do you mean?

Kaisei: Well, Fubuki has been acting funny lately. I can’t explain, but I’ve known her, her whole life, and something has been [searches for a word] off recently.

Yusuke: Well, my mind’s still intact, and your mom’s seemed to be too. Although Sensui was off his rocker. Maybe it skips detective generations?

[Kurama twitches. He inhales deeply through his teeth.]

Yusuke: Hey, Kurama, are you okay?

Kurama: [concentrating] Odd. The name Sensui seems to ring a bell for Rose.

Yusuke: Oh yeah, I forgot about that crazy chick and how she’s inside you now.

Kaisei: That master mind from the fortress? Is she human or demon?

Kurama: Both. The other clones appeared to be completely human, but she relishes in the fact that she can achieve her demon transformation.

Kaisei: Have you figured out why she was playing like she was going to destroy the world?

Kurama: Is Spirit World still investigating that case?

Kaisei: Koenma’s been thinking about it. He said the motives didn’t match up.

Kuwabara: Why’s that?

Kaisei: If she finished her plan, then the power orb would have destroyed the demons, not the planet.

[Yusuke’s and Kuwabara’s jaws drop. Kurama closes his eyes in uncomfortable thought.]

Kuwabara: What twisted demon would try to destroy their own kind?

Yusuke: [yelling] So does that mean we got called to that fortress to get captured so we wouldn’t be hit by that power beam?

Kuwabara: Then why was I involved? I’m completely human!

Yusuke: Maybe so you wouldn’t kill yourself trying to protect Yukina?

[Kuwabara fumes, but is interrupted as Kurama lets out struggling noises. His body hunches forward.]

Yusuke and Kuwabara: Huh?

[Kurama opens an eye towards the others.]

Kurama: [suppressed struggle] Rose is angered by this news. So much so that she is trying to take control. She had no knowledge of that outcome. She intended all of us to die, the world included.

Kaisei: [gasps] So how did she find the fortress, and why did she think it would do something else?

Yusuke: Yeah. And while you’re at it, what was her motive for killing us all?

Kurama: It has been difficult to get information from her. It is like her memory has been covered up. There is no recollection before the Fortress. As for motives, her reasoning is twisted. My knowledge that she did inherit plainly contradicts her way of thinking.

Kuwabara: Well, that’s a load of bunk! First she says you won’t know about the cloning stuff if you kill her. Then you let her live, and she still doesn’t give out the answers.

Kurama: I have been working at uncovering her memories. Perhaps this new Sensui lead will prove useful.

Kaisei: [remembering] Oh yeah, Koenma also has a request for you guys.

Yusuke: And what’s that?

Kaisei: To see him in Spirit World.

Yusuke: No thanks, I’m done with that detective stuff.

Kuwabara: What does he want from us anyway?

Kaisei: Didn’t say.

Kurama: And he didn’t send a note or anything? He insists that we see him directly?

Kaisei: That’s right.

Kurama: Interesting.

Yusuke: What could that mean?

Kurama: It appears there are deeper matters at work here.

* * *

[Back inside, Kazuki and Natsuko are both crying. Botan and Fubuki are holding them, frantically trying to calm them down. Two bottles of milk are rattling in a boiling pot of water.]

Fubuki: [tense] Are you sure this is how you prepare a baby bottle?

Botan: [frantic] It was last time I had to take care of a human baby.

Fubuki: Are you sure they’re hungry? Didn’t they eat before their nap?

Botan: [unsure] Of course! Babies are always hungry.

Fubuki: What’s that smell? Oh, don’t tell me we have to change their-

[The glass bottles explode in the pot.]

Botan: [pleading] Oh, do stop crying! Just wait a little bit longer.

Fubuki: [wails] How are we suppose to clean this with our hands full? [screeches] Ew gross! She just spit up on me!

* * *

[Shizuru and Yukina sit in the living room in front of the TV. Shizuru is casually browsing a newspaper.]

Yukina: Shouldn’t we go help them?

Shizuru: [not looking up] They woke the babies up. They can take care of them.

* * *

[In a bedroom, Kayko and Midori lie in rolled out beds. All the commotion from the kitchen can be heard. Midori rolls onto her stomach and covers her ears.]

Midori: [growls] I’m going to kill them.

Kayko: [groans] I’m sure they mean well. Just try to rest.

Midori: Through this racket? [mumbles under breath] Why couldn’t grandma teach me something other than healing powers? I’m going to catch them, then rope them, then string them from the highest yardarm by their toenails over a shark infested pond of hot acid whirl pooling down to sharp jagged rocks that have been layered with salt and brimstone!

* * *

[Back in the kitchen, Fubuki is now holding both babies whom are still crying. Botan is trying to get the water to stop boiling over from the pot while cleaning the mess. Botan takes a break to straighten her back. While she’s up, she nears Fubuki’s ear.]

Botan: [whispers] So how did things go on your assignment?

Fubuki: [confused] What assignment?

* * *

[In Demon World, Hiei is patrolling on Mukuro’s moving fortress with Mr. BigNose. A scent floats through the air. Mr. BigNose sniffs and picks up the scent.]

Mr. BigNose: I’m picking up a new scent. It’s not demon, but it’s not human either. Should we check it out?

Hiei: [shrugs] Might as well.

[The fortress changes the direction it is moving and goes off through the demon forest.]

Narrator: New scents lurk about Demon World, while back in the Human World, the aftermath of the previous adventure unfolds. What plots are hatching in the Spirit World?