YYH Brigade Logo

As I promised, I shall announce our first contest.

I have been thinking that we need a logo to put on the Brigade website and to help “advertise” the Brigade. Originally, I was going to make it myself, but I believe that this should extend to the other Brigade members.

The objective is simple: make a logo that represents the YYH Brigade. The person(s) who creates a logo that all three+ judges agree on will find their logo representing the Brigade.


  • The logo must, at least, say “YYH”. “Brigade” is optional, and “Yu Yu Hakusho” is an alternate to “YYH”
  • There is no limit to how many entries you may submit
  • If your logo is chosen, you will be asked to send the artwork with the full resolution in an email

Here are some things to help you out:

  • You do not necessarily have to be the best artist to win (no offense to anyone). If we like your logo design, but it is not the best artwork then we will use it as a template and create a fully rendered one.
  • Since we the Brigade is not a shrine to any specific character then if you are going to use any characters, it is best to have all four main characters and/or something that represents them
  • The name of the Brigade is based off the SOS Brigade from the Haruhi Suzumiya series. Giving you that hint, this is what their logo looks like:

External Image

The contest ends August 21st. The contest is only open to Brigade members, but any member that joins between now and August 21st is welcome to participate. Just submit the art to theOtaku and tag it: yyh brigade logo

If we have enough entries, we will do a preliminary vote on the Brigade to help with the selection, which I will explain in detail when the time comes.

Good luck to every participant! Feel free to ask any questions.
