Hiei in RainbowLand: Part Three

By tiggerola

Hiei: [wakes up in colorful room and holds head] Ugh! That was the most traumatizing experience. I never want to experience a ‘bath’ again! Eck, I can’t stand all the fragrant smells here, I must find a way out of here!

Shy Violet: [enters carrying a tray of food] Good morning! ^///^ Did you sleep well?

Hiei: It was dream… [stares in wonder at the smiley face pancakes, bacon, and eggs]

Shy Violet: ^_^

Hiei: …I hate dreams.

Shy Violet: V_V

Hiei: Tell me, how do you get out of here?

Shy Violet: As in leave? But Black Night, we need you here.

Hiei: [gets out of bed and walks to the window] I could care less about your needs. All the colors here are making me nauseous.

Shy Violet: Please give them a chance, they aren’t that bad…

Hiei: What is that gray area over there?

Shy Violet: [looks out to where Hiei indicated] That’s where Murky and Lurky live, they always try to rid the world of color.

Hiei: Interesting, hmm…

Shy Violet: Can I ask you something?

Hiei: hn [stands up on the windowsill and turns to look at Shy] I don’t see how the answer would make a difference to you. [turns back and jumps out]

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