Hiei in RainbowLand: Part Nine

By tiggerola

[Carnival in Rainbow Land, Hiei is with Yukina, they go on the Ferris wheel and roller coaster (I’ll just let you imagine how Hiei reacted to these thrills), Sprites walk around with cotton candy, booths of carnival games and a fun house]

Rainbow Brite: Are you ready for the race Starlight?

Starlight: Of course I am! After all there isn’t a horse in the whole universe that can outrun me!

Rainbow Brite: I hope you enjoy the view here, Great Rose, it should be an exciting race!

Kurama: Why thank you. Yes this seat you have provided proves quite exclusive.

Rainbow Brite: ^_^

Starlight: Where did that Black Night kid run off too? He should run in the race too.

Kurama: That’s thoughtful of you to think of including him. I’m sure that he and Yu…[cough] Ice Gem will arrive here with everyone else shortly.

[In another part of the carnival, Hiei and Yukina pass a throwing booth]

Yukina: Oh Hiei, that looks like fun, would you try?

Hiei: To be honest, it looks pointless.

Buddy Blue: Here, you just throw the ball and try to hit the pins to get a prize! I’ll show you! [throws three balls and knocks down 9 of the pins and gets awarded a little stuffed sprite and hands it to La La Orange]

La La Orange: ^_^ Why thank you.

Hiei: Hn. [picks up a ball and knocks all of them down with one throw]

Buddy Blue and La La Orange: O_O

Hiei: [gets a giant stuffed doll and hands it to Yukina] Here, I’m sure you have better use of this than I do.

Yukina: W-why Thank you ^^

Shy Violet: Oh Hiei, there you are, Rainbow would like to see you.

[Hiei and Yukina give quizzical looks to each other]

[In Murky & Lurky’s cave, Murky is mixing chemicals while chuckling to himself]

Lurky: Hey Murky! [looking through flask, distorting his face] Is it almost done yet?

Murky: Not quite Alfalfa-Breath.

Lurky: Please hurry, I want to go to the carnival too!

Murky: There won’t be a carnival when I’m done!

Lurky: awww V_V But I really wanted to ride a horse-y.

Murky: doh! >~< Will you be quiet already?!?!?

[Big puff of smoke explodes in their faces]

Murky & Lurky: [coughcoughcough]

[Red eyes appear in the head of the smoke]

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