Because days come and go
But my feelings for you are

~ Forever insert

Hello, I'm Diana. To make this short and simple:

~ I have a split personality named Rose.
~ I'm in the process of writing eight, 500 page books.
~ Yu Yu Hakusho is my all-time favorite anime.
~ I listen to rock and heavy metal music.
~ I'm a ninja. I know everything that's happening on this site, you just never know I'm there.
~ I have never took a drawing class in my life.
~ I really don't like talking about my life. I rather know about you.
~ I love constructive criticism. Give me more!
~ I tend to start things and then stop in the middle. Many unfinished projects. Feel free to slap me and tell me to get working on something.
~ I love anime and manga of course!

I'm Finishing Stuffs!

Hey. Had this sudden urge to post. I finally finished my bio for the god of darkness and goddess of light. I'm happy with both of them. ^^

After I finish my three other bios, I'm gonna work on Refi-chan's concept art.

I is sick right now. After I go to college, I'm going to bed.

Current Top 5 Favorite Characters

1. External Image Hiei of Yu Yu Hakusho

2. External Image Prince Nuada of Hellboy II: The Golden Army

3. [insertpinocchiostamphere] Pinocchio of Gunslinger Girl -Il Teatrino-

4. External Image Tira of Soul Calibur IV

5. External Image Chase Young of Xiaolin Showdown

Honorable Mention: Kilik of Soul Calibur IV, who has cool hair

How Well Do You Know Your History?

In US History today, we watched a video of people being pulled out from the crowd and asked basic history questions. Surprisingly, most people did not know the correct answer. So, how well do you know your history? Answer these ten questions. Their answers and the correct answers are provided at the bottom.

1) What are the first three lines of the Star Spangled Banner

2) Which of the following is not a founding father? John Adams, Ben Franklin, Sam Adams, or George Jefferson?


A) Who said "The British are coming!"

B) To Whom?

C) When?

4) Who was the first to sign the Declaration of Independence? Herby Hancock, John Hancock, or Will Smith?

5) What year was the War of 1812?

6) What do we declare independence from on the Fourth of July?

7) We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are...?

8) How many colonies were the Original Colonies?

9) Thomas Jefferson was are [blank] president?


A. Which country started World War II?

B. Who led that country at that time?

C. What is Hitler's first name?

Theirs: The what?
Correct: O! say can you see by the dawn's early light / What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming? / Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight, / O'er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming?

Theirs: We had founding fathers?
Correct: George Jefferson


A. Theirs: The Confederates
Correct: Paul Revere

B. Theirs: The other side (the North/Union)
Correct: Sam Adams/John Hancock/People of Lexington

C. Theirs: I don't know.
Correct: 1775 during the American Revolution

Note: This famous phrase was not actually said by Paul Revere because his mission depended on secrecy. The Phrase was actually "The Regulars are coming!"

Theirs: John Hancock
Correct: John Hancock

Theirs: The year? I don't know.
Correct: 1812

Theirs: I don't know.
Correct: Great Britain/United Kingdon/UK

Theirs: The pursuit of happiness.
Correct: Life, Liberty, and The Pursuit of Happiness

Theirs: 13
Correct: 13

Theirs: I don't know. Third?
Correct: Third


A.Theirs: Germany
Correct: Germany
B. Theirs: Hitler?...That was right? I just guessed.
Correct: Hitler
C. Theirs: Timothy
Correct: Adolf


Free answer: Recent polls have shown that one-fifth of Americans can't locate the US on a world map. Why do you think this is?


So how many did you get correct?

Pinocchio's Age

This is probably gonna be my last major post about Pino. This is more of a documentation for myself, but I'm trying to deduct Pino's age. So here I go:

Point 1. Drinking Age - 16

There is no drinking age in Italy nor is there a alcohol purchase age. However, to be served alcoholic drinks in public places, an Italian must be 16 years or older.

Point 2. Smoking Age - 16

Pino is seen smoking in the manga several times and it is eluded to in the anime, though no one is seen smoking in the anime. There is no smoking age in Italy, but the minumum purchase age is 16.

Point 3. Age of Majority - 18

Pino is able to live by himself without any kind of supervision. The age of majority (legal adulthood) in Italy is 18.

Point 4. Driving Age - 18

In the manga and anime, Pino drives a Fiat Punto. The age one in Europe can acquire a class B license (a normal car) is 18 years old. It's also eluded to that he has a class C1 license, but that is also for people 18 years of age or older.

Point 5. Gun Law - 18

Italy is known to have the most restrictive gun laws in Europe. There is no right to keep and bear arms in Italy, and the right to possess arms must be obtained via license. Pino owns 3 submachine guns, 3 handguns, 1 sniper riffle, and 1 shotgun along with many knives. The applicant for a license is 18 years old and the applier must demonstrate he is capable to handle and use a firearm safely. However, there is a separate license for carrying a concealed firearm, which is nearly impossible to obtain. Even most policemen are forbidden to carry a handgun. So there is a possibility that Pino has illegaly obtained firearms. He is an assassin, after all.

Point 6. Christiano's (surrogate father) Quote - 18~19

"That 'boy' is a grown man now. His independence is the best thing for him."

So, Pino's probably around the age of 18 or 19. Possibly closer to 19 since the timespan from when he is first introduced until the day he dies is a little more than five months (stated in manga and deducted in anime). If anyone has any other idea that could narrow down his age, let me know.

And last note, I found a funny panel while screencaping:

Gunslinger Girl -Il Teatrino- END

Well two and a half years have finally came down to the last episode. I first heard about it when theO announced that Artland would officially be animating a second season. The anime was aired in Japan half a year later, and I immediately began watching all of the Pino episodes without subs. The subs popped up here and there along the next half year. Then in an interview with FUNimation, they said that it was highly unlikely that they were going to license the second season of Gunslinger Girl. Then at the end of the year, they did. And so, after a year and a half more of waiting, we finally have the dubbed GG2.

I watched the final episode today after mentally preparing myself since Wednesday. And so I bring you Pino's final moments:

Both Pino and Triela are tired and breathing heavily. Triela, with no weapons left, flips a table at him. Pino, dodging it, closes the gap between him and Triela. Pino sees an opening and slashes down at Triela. However, Triela, being the unfair cyborg that she is, catches the knife and snaps it. Yes, the grainy image is actually part of that scene. Triels then takes the snapped knife and drives it into Pino's wrist, which I actually find it hard to believe that the thick part can go through his thick jacket. But hey, maybe it's actually a different material. Triela tries to kick and punch at Pino. But, being as awesome as he is, dodges all the blows. Using his last weapon, the car key that his adoptive father had given him, he wedges it between his fingers and thrusts it at Triela's eye (the cyborg's weak spot). However, Triela returns with her cybernetic fingers, and the outcome is a hit-hit stalemate. You at first see blood from Triela's eye in front of Pino. However, the arteries in Pino's neck were pierced by Triela's fingers. And the aftermath is both are down and out. But since Triels is cybernetic and can't die unless her brain is blown out of her head, she's survives and is the victor. Before she leaves, she looks at Pinocchio's body once last time.

External Image

However, I think the episode ended nicely. When Triela looked up at the sky and said that she wasn't as happy about killing Pino as she thought she would be, the scene fades out to the episode title screen "So Pinocchio Becomes Human", which I thought was very fitting.

This was painful to put together. Oh, by the way, everyone should listen to Gunslinger Girl -Il Teatrino's- version of Scaborough Fair (lyrics in info box).