
I have made a discovery about my senior year of high school. It is going to be fricken sweet, but also suck major monkey balls. For one, all my classes are easy, which is a plus, but it was a bitch to arrange. 3 auto courses and leaving earlier than everybody else, but heading off to something forgien to me... a job. so, my life is proveing that you can learn from Anime. my example is FMA. Equivilant exchange. So, when you start slacking in school, work, or both, remember that what you do now will come back and haunt you in the future. Besides that, my freinds Ben and Jake have labeled me something that I cannot protest to. "Freshman Pimp". Oh, how right they are. I swear, the munchkins look up to me just because I am on the daily news broadcast. This is nice in a jam, but once you start to get 15 freshman girls following you in the halls, the estrogen starts to drown all the guys in the hallway. well, that is about it for today, so I bid the all adue!
