Nope. UwU

Hi there my name is Eva and yeah im a laaaadyyy :V shocker i know.

im Married to this => :B

best face ever.

But yeeep well expect like pointless stupid posts here c:


you still here?

Get out. †(- A -)†

Music Quotes

1."No denying I'm scared to lose the things I love im in control"

2. "My hands are broken and time is going on and on it goes forever"

3. "No love. There's no love die for anyone what have i become?"

4."You left a hole where my heart should be"

5. "Fly over me Evil Angel why can't I breathe Evil Angel?"

6. "Sooner or Later your gunna hate it go ahead and throw my life away!"

7. "Keep moving until forever ends"

8."Don't leave me to die here"

9. "Show me what its like to dream in black and white so I can leave this world tonight"

10. "Life is sink or swim Love is blinding no surviving"

11. "Can't we live a lfe of peace and happiness? leave me alone"

12. "Only the strogest will survive"

All lyrics are from songs by the band Breaking Benjamin :)


So yesterday i went to manga club and at first we all stayed at Lina's :D I also experienced being purple it was fun. Oh gawd i just choked on cereal >^< Lenalee must die......

Ffff- Superbowl tommorow my mom's throwing a party OTL normal people are coming to my house.....

Cattia i miss you oh guess what i turned purple laughing then after i calmed down i got a fortune cookie and it legitimate said i am going to die laughing :D isn't that swell!?!

......... Strider swag bro

-has been reading Homestuck-
GaMzEe Is AwSoMe! So Is DaVe!

Oh Kyan David is SO much better than Kanda >:o) -honk-


FFFUUUUU- i hate being sick "OTL

hey Lina what was our homework?

Alice and Eva discover that Jasdevi are both men

Eva: Ugh its so quiet >-<"
Alice: Ja -^-"
Jasdevi: -smash through door- WE STOLE TYKI'S CAR! |D
Me: pfft nice
Alice: Guten tag mein freuinds!
David: Hey you two >:D
Jas: Dero wants hugs!
Alice:...... h-hug?
Me: Alice! you spoke english!
Alice: ...Ja ^ ^
D/J: -they hug the two girls-
A/E: -laughs- Jasdevi XD
David: yea i know we're awsome -smiles-
Alice:! :D
Me: -rofl- good job Alice lD
Me: pffft i knew that >w>"
Alice: .p. -confused-
Jas: -emo corner- why does everyone think i'm a girl....
Alice: -hug- it's ok ja Dero
Jas: yeah i guess
Me: -hugs David- o//////o
David: well hi to you to -hugs back-
Alice:.... -evil glare- MIEN DAVID!!!!!!
David: ... my dream has come true -angelic music- girls are fighting over me! :D

Yeah that's it i have no intrest to continue this... comments are much appriciated :D

Health Class

*noms bacon* wait..... *thinks* *spits out bacon* NASTY FOOD!!!!!!! bleh bleh bleh ewwwww >^< omg i hate you health teacher why must you ruin bacon curse you well, if your wondering i did that because today in health class we watched a movie called Food inc. IT WAS DISGUSTING! omg ">-> i showed how food was made and its just nasty so i didnt eat my lunch today.......