
iidk why ii wrote that face 2o dont a2k me iif any of you have notiiced ii am currently ob22e2ed wiith Home2tuck and am wriiting wiierd. Well fellow human2 ii wiith tell you why :] ii am wriiting liike 2ollux Captor from Home2tuck yes ii know ii know iit2 confu2ing to your human braiin2 but iit2 ju2st doubliing my "ii's" and replaciing my "s'" wiith "2's". Why iis becau2e 2ollux iis bliind so yeah he cant really see (plus he'2 adorable >w>) ii al2o found out that Cattiia liikes H2 :o) *honk honk honk* iim 2o happy TwT alriight well bye :o)
