My Day


Ok first things fist the morning was good but F period class was TERRIBLE! THEY STUCK GLUE IN MY HAIR! So around 2nd to last class i noticed the glue i was so upset <:/ the im walking to last class with a glue glob in my hair and my friend Javen shows up and goes: "Aw its ok your still beautiful >:)" then he hugs me IT WAS WEIRDNESS! then im at moi locker glue free and he goes: "hey there you go you look beautiful now remember when you shower tonight was your hair extra :)"
he's starting to scare me o^o and im not scared of a lot..,..

Guys btw tommorow if all thoes people walk with you again im not going I DONT DO GROUPS im a loner TvT otay Au Revoir Mon Chérie :D= - François emoticon-
