Chronos Time CH.4

Chapter 4: The Assignment

Lucian: (snores, then shows his face fade off into a dark area...)
Lucian: (looks around) Hello? Is anyone there? (then Demons come out of nowhere who look very scary and strong)
Strong Demon 1: Hey look at this little chump! This guy is a Vahlian? This guy is gonna get killed!
Strong Demon 2: (laughs) You said it! He's gonna get killed... by us! (the people move in)
Strong Demon 3: Oh look what he has there? (points at the watch in this hands) He has the time-teller!
Unison: Give us the time-teller! And your powers! (closes in on him)
Lucian: (tries to click the watch but nothing happen and they get closer and closer until their hands cover his face and then is awaken from the nightmare)
Dad: (Bangs on door) Lucian!!!!! Wake up!!! Your gonna be late!!!
Lucian: (opens eyes quickly) (Voice over) Oh thank goodness! It was only a dream... Despite that dream, it was a good... (opens rest of the eyes fast) Sleep!!! (finds Kashiusu sleeping on him) Kashiusu!!!!
Dad: (Continuing banging on the door) That's it I’m coming in!!!
Lucian: (pulls hand out forward) Wait! Dad! Don't come in...
Dad: (Bust down door, then looks shocked) Makasu... (sees Kashiusu on top of Lucian) (pauses for a moment) (goes to a corner and swings back and forth while holding his knees) I fail as a father.. I fail as a father..
Lucian: (looks embarrassed) Dad... it isn't what it looks like (pushes Kashiusu off of him onto the floor) THUD!!
Riley: (rubs head) Ow! that hurt man... What was that for?...
Lucian: (points at dad and looks irritated) Because you hurt my dad's pride...
Dad: (continuing) I fail as a father.... I fail as a father...
Lucian: (voice over) (looks ^_^”) He's still doing that.... (looks at Kashiusu) Hey, why didn't you go home last night?
Riley: (looks up with a finger under his lip) Um, well you see... After i had that nightmare about those girls... I was too scared to go home
Lucian: (hits Kashiusu) Really?! That's why you didn't go home?! I ought to beat the... (realizes something) Hey? what time is it? ( looks at the clock and freaks out) Dude! We are gonna be late! (picks up Kashiusu) Get up and let's go! (gets his backpack and starts to run )
Riley: (Gets and is dizzy) Eh I’m used to it... (then gets back to normal then followings, closes the door behind him)
Lucian: (runs down the stairs and then see his mom at the door way and stops)
Mom: (has her arms crossed) What are still doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at school?
Lucian: (tries to explain) Well you see mom... I kinda wok...(then heard a voice from behind him)
Riley: Hey! Why did you stopped?! (then runs into him and fall down all the way and then he lands on him, both are dizzy)
(a door from up the stairs opens)
Dad: (wipes forehead with hand) Phew... That was close... For a sec, almost thought my son was... (sees kashiusu on top of Lucian) (the same position as before but on top of the stairs) I fail as a father... I fail as a father...
Mom: Stop acting like idiots and get up (getting irritated then gets calm n happy, turns around) Besides... Today is a very special day! Today is your grandpa birthday, Makasu. This is gonna be the first time your grandpa see since you were born. He's gonna be very happy! (lets out a happy sigh then turns around to see the outline where Lucian and kashiusu were and now gone, then she turns to see the door open then walks to the door)
Lucian: (running already on the sidewalk) Sorry mom! Gotta go! Gonna be late!
Mom: (cups hands around her mouth so she can scream) Don't forget to meet at your grandpa's house after school!!! (then puts her hands on her side and lets a sigh then goes inside and finds dad still doing the same thing, so she walks up there and hits him) Stop being an idiot!!!
(he falls down the stairs and lands on his back with @_@ eyes)
Scene change: Near the school
Lucian: (keeps running towards the school and thinking at the same time) (voice-over) Man...Why am I involved in this whole Vahlian business? And to make matters even worse, we are being targeted! (sigh) Damn... This is too much for me... besides didn't he said something about there being other Vahlian too? (shuts eyes) Too is much for me! (then opens eyes and runs into a person) (then shows papers flying into the sky then slowly drops)
Lucian: (falls down on butt with arms on the side and is looking down ) Oh! I'm really sorry... Are you o... (reaches hand forward then looks up and sees a pretty girl then pauses for a moment) k?... (coils back, voice-over) Errrr! What a pretty girl!
Serene: (looking down with eyes shut like it hurt) Yeah I'm fine.
Lucian: (making sure) Are...are you sure?
Serene: (nods head) Yeah I’m alright.(then looks up and then looked around and notice the papers, gets up and start picking up the papers)
Lucian: Oh! Let me help you. (gets up and helps her start picking up the papers)
Serene: (stops and looks at him, then smiles) Thank you.
Lucian: (responds by turning around and gives her the papers) No problem. I'm so sorry once again.
Serene: (puts her hand on her mouth and giggles) It's ok
Riley: Hey! Come on! We're gonna be late! (grabs him by the arm and pull him towards the school)
Serene: (waves goodbye and smile)
(they enter the school)
Lucian: (then shows him being pulled away by kashiusu down the school hallway) (with a -_- face) Never thought you would actually care about being late... (then riley drops him because they reached their classroom) (the class room number says 17#, then riley opens the door and walks in and Lucian follows, everyone stops what they are doing and even the teacher stops to see him walk in)
Teacher: Lucian!!! Why are you late?! (still writing on the board but turned his head)
Lucian: (bows) I-I'm sorry
Teacher: (continues to write on the board) Well I'll let it slide for now with just giving you detention. Be here after school today.
Lucian: (looks up very quick) What?! This is the first time I was late!
Teacher: (still writing) Well you want to make that two days? (have two fingers up while still writing)
Lucian: (sigh and then looks down) No... (starts walking)
Teacher: (turns around) You would of never got detention if you were here on time like riley. (points at riley)
Lucian: (looks at riley, and sees him talking to a lot of girls) What?!? How did you not see him walk in! (sigh) Whatever... (walks to his seat next to the window and sits down)
Teacher: (turns around back to the board and continues to write) Well as I was saying... The Sky Wars was one of the most dangerous and prestigious war in the history of mankind. This war dated back to year of 2032... This war cause so much causalities and damage to our country, the man who was responsible for this war was a guy by the name of Zane Clifton... (the door opens and everyone looks)
Serene: (opens the door) Oh! Sorry for interrupting but is this the right room? (looks down at the piece of paper) Room 17?
Teacher: Oh yes! You must be Serene... Yes this is the right room, have a seat next to Akira. (points to Akira, shes looking a Lucian with a love look) (talks to the class) Class this is our new student, Serene! Please treat her with great care and respect.
Lucian: (he sees serene and she looks back and then smiles)
Teacher: (puts hands under his chin) Well were was I?... (snaps) Oh yeah! Zane Clifton was the main person responsible for the Sky War... Our nation could of fell to Zane if it wasn't for his son, Skyler Clifton, also known as the founder of Sky Corp. He was a main asset to an organization called I.N.V.E.N.T, which were known for inventing weapons that they used in combats. (raises one finger up) Which brings me to my point... That 3rd annual Invent fest is taking place two weeks from now and I expect everyone to enter something like an invention.
Class: Aw!..
Teacher: (gets paper from the desk) Don't worry I already assigned you your partners for this project. (fix glasses) Ehm! I'm gonna call the groups out. Group 1... Akira and Mia...
Akira: (freaks out) Whaaaaa?! Why can I be in the same group as Lucian! (gets up and hugs Lucian and he is being suffocated)
Lucian: (hands reached out) I... can't... breathe...
Teacher: (gets frustrated) Akira! Sit down! (she sits down in her seat) Ok... As I was saying, group 1... Akira and Mia... Group 2... Zefa and Riley... Group 3... Ichiro and Eon... Group 4... Cheryl and Piers... Group 5... Tobiah and Alyssa... (puts paper down and looks at Serene) I'm sorry but there isn't no group to put you in except for Lucian.
Serene: (nods head happily) I'll be in his group.
Class: Whaaaa?! (shocked)
Guy 1: Is she crazy? (whispers)
Guy 2: I don't know man, but I don't think she know what she's getting herself into. (whispers back)
Teacher: That's strange no one ever wants to be his partner or any affiliated with him except Akira.
Akira: (puts up fist) Yeah you better watch it! Don't try to pull anything, because he's my man...
Serene: (puts hands up) Don't worry nothing of that sort will happen.
Lucian: (sigh) I can never understand Akira...
(the next panel, is the site of a bell ringing) Ring!
Lucian: (bored out of his mind) I can't believe I have to stay here for detention. (stretches) Can't time go any faster... I've got to be there for my grandpa's birthday, if I’m not there my mom is gonna kill me (then the watch falls out of his pocket, notices it and then picks it up) I wonder... (clicks the watch, then nothing happens) Eh. I knew it was a nothing for good watch.
Teacher: (looks up from reading) Ok Makasu, you can go now...
Lucian: (looks at the teacher) But I’ve only been here for 5 min...
Teacher: (laughs) Were you that zoned out? 'Cause you've been here for about 45 minutes... Unless you want to sta...
Lucian: (gets up and rushes out) Nope! I'm good... (closes the class door and looks at the watch) Eh not too shabby after all. (clips the watch to his sides, then the big hand goes from 10 to 9, runs outside the school and keeps running) Oh! I hope I'm not late!
(Sees him running through the neighborhood, then out of nowhere the white cloak person appears on the roof following Lucian)
