I think it's about time I fixed this up haha.

Anyway, hey, whats up in the world of The Otaku? My real name is Chloe, I'm 18 years old and currently attending college. If I were to describe myself...I would say I'm a rather confusing person to get to know. I can be fairly shy and in other ways very social. If I don't like you, I don't like you so don't even try to get me to like you. If I like you, you're a friend for life unless you do something to really hurt me. But thats reasonable, right? with that being said, I should say that normally I'm very friendly to begin with. I always believe someone should at least be given a chance unless proven that they don't.

I love to draw, write, dance and listen to music. I have a deviantart and Furaffinity account for my artwork. If interested in seeing any of it, let me know.

I'm pansexual...if you want to call me bisexual because that's more comfortable for you, go ahead. I'm taken by my awesome boyfriend, Sam. He is Transgendered FtM and we're happy together. No, he doesn't have an account on here..but I thought I would share. I'm pretty straight forward, so if you want to know something you're welcome to ask. I have a TMI Tuesday world for that. You're also welcome to just write me a note. I'm normally easy to talk to.
Uhm...YEAH! haha, I think thats it for now.

my name on urban dictionary >.>

So yeah apparently this is what my name means.

1. Chloe

A friendly girl with a nice ass who is loved by everyone! She is a hot person, no girls have any problems with her and all the guys want to have hot, mad, steamy sex with her.
Chloe is so nice. She gets along with everyone
sexy delicious exciting nice happy

2. Chloe

A powerful name for a very spirited woman
Chloe’s tend to be very intelligent, witty, humorous and sensual. For some strange reason they have the most intense eyes you will ever fall into. Up to this point in time, there has been over 56 years of intense research into this phenomena; but even with the (some may say extreme) amount of resources and time spent on this quandary by the most brilliant minds of the modern age, there has been no feasible conclusion and a distinct lack of even hypothetical consensus as to how or why this breathtaking mystery occurs.
Any Chloe born under a fire sign; especially the dominant star (sun) sign of Leo will be a force to be reckoned with; while Bogans and other assorted scum will be uncontrollably drawn towards the power that is Chloe; unless they change their evil ways, they will be consumed by both the passion and fire that is inherent in these ethereal yet earthbound goddesses.
Do you ever get the feeling that there is more to life; that something is missing that makes you incomplete?
Do you feel it on a dark night; does it haunt the corners of your vision?
Is it on the tip of your tongue, but you just can’t quite identify what it is that is lacking from your meagre existence, the one thing that has always been missing?

So many questions; only one answer: Chloe

me again

Just another picture of me. Phones hiding my frown, hahaha. And yeah I don't really know what else to say except to not ask about the bandage thing on my hand. yeah I don't think i look all tha...

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Random poem

Just random poem I wrote really.

Why should I ask for help from you
when all you do is run away?
and then why do you get upset with me
when I don’t tell you anyway...
I could keep my mouth shut and keep it shut tight...
and pretends all the worries went away...
but does that really change anything at all,
if i’m really just the same...
And you guys think you understand but you really don’t....
not to the extent anyway....
and so I say goodnight with a
and a
and hope that my troubles go away....

EDIT: Poem I wrote because I was upset. Do not take the ending literally, I do not act upon those choices. I merely write because they make me feel better. I express my feelings quite strongly and in doing so I feel better. And the more emotional the poem, the more understand and related it is. Now see I hate guns, I hate them to pieces and I'd never get close to one ever. But putting the "click and a bang." at the end of the poem just made the poem more emotional and thats what I was getting at.

yes I am going through a hard time right now, but I believe God will open a door of opportunity for me soon. and guide me through the hard times.

Secret Santa

I saw a few people doing this so I thought I'd do it too....
uhm i'm not asking for much...
I would like....
1) a hug...
2) idk a card saying marry christmas

3) idk just for someone to say something nice to me
4) a surprise, something that'll make me smile


Life has been strange lately. Im starting to hate school even more and i want to start thinking about graduating early next year. Idk i have been pissy for so long and its not a feeling i enjoy, nor other people enjoy. I dont really know what to do, i want to take a vacation some place spring break...

Any suggestions?

And i feel like something is missing from me life. Dont know what exactly but something. Oh well