Summer stuff!!

Wow i was just thinking about summer and i realized how busy its going to bed. o3o. Its really busy, here are all the things i plan on doing in the 9 weeks of summer i have ;__;

1. Kobashi is coming up ^___^ gunna be flipping amazing (i love my boyfriend so much)
2. my other friend Sami wants to come up to see me too which will also be amazing.
3. somewhere in there i've got to get my permit sense i'm really behind (could of had her license for three months now -__-)
4. painting!!! i'm planning on painting on shirts and shoes and pants and stuff over the summer, help make my own wardrobe XD and i have to thank my good friend Opti for bringing the idea up. we are like two peas in a pod really. love you opti!!
5. camping somewhere in there lol
6. possibly...and job bwahah xD

so yeah thats my summer. flippin crazy.
