Drama gotta love it xD (ice breaker) read ett!!

alright so everyone who has opened this lovely post must know. THIS AINT DRAMA YO! *shot* basically i'm here to say...

YES drama happens!
i was going through some dramatic stuff the other day! (some of you know)
we can't help it, its life, Drama is essential to life really. we may say. "God drama is !#$% up." kay but that makes us all hypocrites!! you know why? because we do it anyway xD.

we all know deep inside we love a little drama here and there...it makes time fly am i right? right?!?!?! okay okay, i'm posting this to break the ice. I know there has been drama goin on for quite a while and yeah its understandable..in a way but come on guys~~ for every little drama bit there is, theres probably +1 non drama thing. think of it this way. most of us probably have pretty ok lives. i mean, we all have computers (obviously) and we obviously must have AT LEAST enough money to keep family supported and what not. SOME people don't even have houses okay, some people can barely support themselves!! so we have it pretty darn good even IF we say our lives suck. but yeah i understand, drama is essential to life sometimes.

SO HERE WE ARE. I have a challange. Tonight: i'm making a room, its going to be a challange room. No drama aloud, no fighting no nothin. its gunna be pure fun! and its your job to keep it that way!! who ever succeeds will get lovely prizes from the amazing zen. i'm really not that amazing haha xD

okay so expect all of you!!! (you know who you are) to be there!!

here is a little convo i had with some friends. have fun and enjoy.

moletta9031: Hey Zenny
Zennyxchan this is like...the only calm room haha XD
Zennyxchan with no drama
Zennyxchan checks time.
moletta9031: this and the lobby
Zennyxchan true, very true
Zennyxchan i say, if you've got drama. draw a face on a pillow and yell at it XD
moletta9031: that means we are not doing our jobs, and I shall now kick you both without reason
ami159645: I dont like the lobby though
moletta9031: what with my being a clone and all
moletta9031: :P
Zennyxchan i was gunna say
Zennyxchan o.o omg what did i do? lol
ami159645: lol
moletta9031: haha
moletta9031: you are not causing enough drama, Zenny. there are quotas to be filled!
Zennyxchan oh dear...
Zennyxchan i suppose.
Zennyxchan i better get on that xD
Zennyxchan dramatic music
dnangel09 joined the room.
Zennyxchan omg! i want to die! my pillow! its terrible!
Zennyxchan xD
dnangel09: O_o?
Zennyxchan dnangel09: came in at the wrong time haha xD
Zennyxchan in short: i'm makin fun of drama lol
dnangel09: i can see that
dnangel09: oh lol
ami159645: lol
Zennyxchan yeah lol, i'm not really overly depressed about my pillow xD
moletta9031: because there is a face on it
Zennyxchan very true
Zennyxchan lol
dnangel09: ur pillow cheated on u
moletta9031: I want a dr pepper. later drama nerds. :P
ami159645: :O nooooo
dnangel09: someone else was sleeping wit it
Zennyxchan lmfao xD see ya
dnangel09: byyeee
moletta9031 left the room. (Logged out)
ami159645: :P bye lol
Zennyxchan yes someone else was sleeping with my pillow <:(
Zennyxchan >:(*
ami159645: intentional phail :P
Zennyxchan which means.
Zennyxchan i am gunna sit here on the floor, with dramatic music playing behind me and use my rubber knife to cut my wrists because my darn pillow was stolen from me xD
Zennyxchan shot
Zennyxchan it had an affair with someone else bed hair! what is this!? hahaha
ami159645: XD
Zennyxchan to make it even better...we will play. Final fantasy dramatic music
dnangel09: lol
ami159645: aww i love ff
dnangel09 left the room. (Going to Crying With Tears)
Zennyxchan lol.
Zennyxchan D:
ami159645 cuts self and dies
ami159645: lol jk
Zennyxchan lol.
Zennyxchan you used the rubber knife didn't you xD
ami159645: sorry i had to
ami159645: XD yes
Zennyxchan awhh...the wonders of the rubber knife XD hahaha
ami159645: XD
ami159645: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b­58E_0NiY50
Zennyxchan lol...well it is an ice breaker, this conversation.
ami159645: lol yeah it is
Zennyxchan lol
Zennyxchan omg...my hair...
Zennyxchan its in my face
Zennyxchan grabs rubber knife
Zennyxchan this is the end...
Zennyxchan i cannot have hair in my face...
ami159645: nooo!!!
Zennyxchan it is this hair that causes me such misery!!
Zennyxchan raises knife!
Zennyxchan and thus shall it go xD

so yeah i'm not saying. YO PEOPLE! I DUN LIKE YOUR DRAMA SO STUFF IT SOMEWHERE ELSE! nah, i like helping people, i understand that we go through rough times and i do love helping in any way possible. Frank knows :) he knows i'm there to talk if he needs someone. Jobro knows, Ami knows, Rick knows, Emi knows. we all know! drama will be drama tho. but like i said. lets just have some fun :)

-Zenny <3

had to XD
