Random poem

Just random poem I wrote really.

Why should I ask for help from you
when all you do is run away?
and then why do you get upset with me
when I don’t tell you anyway...
I could keep my mouth shut and keep it shut tight...
and pretends all the worries went away...
but does that really change anything at all,
if i’m really just the same...
And you guys think you understand but you really don’t....
not to the extent anyway....
and so I say goodnight with a
and a
and hope that my troubles go away....

EDIT: Poem I wrote because I was upset. Do not take the ending literally, I do not act upon those choices. I merely write because they make me feel better. I express my feelings quite strongly and in doing so I feel better. And the more emotional the poem, the more understand and related it is. Now see I hate guns, I hate them to pieces and I'd never get close to one ever. But putting the "click and a bang." at the end of the poem just made the poem more emotional and thats what I was getting at.

yes I am going through a hard time right now, but I believe God will open a door of opportunity for me soon. and guide me through the hard times.
