Aibori - Enter

"Im sooo bored!" I whined flipping through the pages of the book i had read about a million times. Ugh! I threw it at the wall and went too the window. I hated being stuck in this stupid main house. Everyone was getting too leave too go too school and start there lives for the year but God said I wasnt allowed too leave unless I had someone older too accompany me.

"Its not fair! I wanna leave too!!" i shouted at the wind. Taking some lemonheads outta my bag I started too eat away my sorrows. Id be stuck here forever never being happy unless someone offered too take me with them. "Well you know what! I needed to pay Kanayuki a visit!" I said marching outta of the hut i lived in. Kanayuki Loved me! He would understand I needed freedom. Coming up too his house I knocked lightly.

"Come in Aibori" He said. Good...hewas in a happy mood. "What is wrong with my little kitten that she would have such a sour face." He asked petting the side of my cheek. I smiled. I had too play this right.

"Kanayuki...I wanna go too school like the others..I wanna get a job and make a life. I dont wanna be stuck in here for the rest of my life!" I whined. I didnt even see the hand coming towards my face as He struck me. I fell towards the floor in total shock. I didnt even get the chance too get up as he pulled me by the hair up too look into his eyes. Never before had he does this too me and I didnt know how too take it.

"You want to leave me to?!?!" He screamed in my face. I whimpered in pain as my scalp started too burn. "YOU WANNA LEAVE?! FINE! LEAVE!" He threw me too the floor and I scrambled back towards the door. "Get outta my sight you cursed cat." Ouch...that one really stung. Fleeing outta of his house I ran back too mine too pack my things and leave.


Yah i know i redid it.
