I ran over too shino too help him up. Kana was pissing me off and I really didnt care what he did too me. He glared at me as I nelt beside him.
"Aibori Get away from him..NOW!" He yelled standing up. I glared at him and stood my ground with Shino leaning on me. He wouldnt hurt the only person who was nice too me. Kanayuki stomped over too me and grabbed me by the hair and started too pull me over too his desk. I just went along with him. He was about too get what was coming too him. "How dare you disobey me!" He threw me on the ground by his desk and I immediatly sat up. Looking straight at him again. I smiled at him and stood up to look into his eyes.
"Im not scared of you anymore Kana-san." I said. He lashed out and hit me straight in the jaw. I spat the blood out and conitnued smiling. "Do your best." I stood there and took every hit I could. Slowly I became weaker and weaker. The last thing I remembered was Changing into my cat form and being kicked across the room back were I had started with shino.