"Mimi-chan, Kana-sama has ordered a meeting with everyone. We all have to go. But... I don't want to be alone with him. He scares me, Mimi-chan." Alice said starting to cry at the thought of being alone. Umami picked up the small light weight girl and held her close. Alice wrapped her small arms around Umami's neck, still crying.
"It's alright, Alice. Don't worry, it's going to be okay. Just stay with me through the whole meeting alright? You don't have to leave my side." Umami said, even though it was repeating the same meaning, she hoped it would help calm poor Alice. After a few minutes; Alice, who started feeling more safe now that she was being held slowly stopped crying. But she was still scared.
She let go of Umami's neck, wiping her tears off her face, and asked, "I can stay with you the whole time?" Umami nodded and Alice hugged her saying thank you. Umami put down Alice and took her hand.
"Well let's go!" Umami said trying to be positive for Alice. The two girls left the garden and headed to Kana-sama's room for the big meeting.