Okay a few things.
I'm Zeit, I'm also:
Simple(if you don't get me)
Complex(if you do get me)
I like:
Not Thinking
I dislike:
Stupid people
Those are the main bits.

Chocolate Love

SNSD-Chocolate Love

Hm. I want to say it's too many girls but it's the exact same amount as Morning Musume. For some reason I just can't bring myself to learn their names lol. Although one of these girls is extremely like...making me want to move to South Korea

Nounai Dance

Hey! Say! 7- Nounai Dance

Kind of sounds like a parapara song. There's some Mayonaka no Shadow Boy in there too.

Heartbeat, Heartbreak

I do not know this lady's name-Heartbeat, Heartbreak

SWEET BALLS this makes me want to play Persona 4 so freaking bad. Sadly I no long have it. Actually I think I'm going to buy Persona 3 FES and Persona 4 and just go at it again. I just played the regular Persona 3 and I didn't do every single thing in P4 so chyeah I totally have a reason. I love Persona, I liked the setting of P3 more but everything about P4 was better. Please make a game where all the characters meet because that would be so freaking epic. kay bye.

Hide Away

AAA-Hide Away

This may or may not be the current ending theme to the new Inuyasha anime. I say may or may not because for this single AAA have three songs with the exact same melody so I really can't tell if this is the single or the ending theme because they're technically different songs. Also Senior Otaku+ WOOOOOOOO!

Queen Bee

Sweet Black Ft. Maki Goto with Raiji-Queen Bee

This song, I think I was like the last person to hear it. I never was a big fan of her solo work in Hello! Project and I really didn't like her in Morning Musume but this Sweet Black thing has her doing some great music.