Okay a few things.
I'm Zeit, I'm also:
Simple(if you don't get me)
Complex(if you do get me)
I like:
Not Thinking
I dislike:
Stupid people
Those are the main bits.

kokuhaku no funsui hiroba

berryz koubou-kokuhaku no funsui hiroba

i've been living in berryz world for the past couple of days. it's a welcome change after living in johnnys world and before that kajiura world. i think i'll take a trip back to kajiura world though. her compositions are without a doubt magnificent. that's the only word i can use to describe them right now.

resonant blue

morning musume-resonant blue

on of their best songs

don't u ever stop

i had a really hard time picking a video today.

kat-tun-don't u ever stop

best part of the video. when that one guy gets a closer up and he's clearly saying eber. kind of reminds me of in omakase guardian at the end of the chorus where they clearly say bui...it's like...okay. i mean i know enough japanese to know it's v and they just pronounce it that way but it still makes me laugh.

also did that one guy that raps just say po po lol koki. really? stop it. i love this song though but once again actually seeing the group FALCON PUNCH! right square in the jaw.

seishun bus guide

berryz koubou-seishun bus guide

you can also pick this up at http://japanfiles.com i'm trying to find what it is about boy bands that makes me want to falcon punch them in the face. because i just watched the video for big bangs my heaven and i want them dead.


berryz koubou-rival

a very cute song. it's out today and you can buy from japanfiles.com if you like it.