

firstly. i'm a senior otaku ihafsdoijsdfidsfaijsdbyhisdfiyusdfiubn! okay come on the key smash was obligatory. that and i've been spending a little to much time in the johnnys fandom. anyway congrats to all the people that leveled up this month!

secondly. this group is soooo boss. i've been hearing people say that they're boring and that they don't offer anything compared to the other 1,000,000,000 korean girl groups out there but this is honestly the first one to catch my attention. i mean i love gee and genie from girls generation and i like nobody from the wonder girls but mainly i just like the songs. the actual girls don't interest me at all which is a problem i have with a lot of korean groups and why i don't stay with them for long. i think i might stick with these girls, they don't seem like they're trying too hard or doing way too much like 2ne1. because really they're doing to much.

and finally. their name is failsauce. f(x)...really? that's a function ladies and gentlemen. a math function.

i didn't even mean to type that much.
