So...I just got my BA in Art/English (woohoo!) I want to start making wallpapers and such again, but I really want to get a new art program and im kinda broke =P All of my anime stuff is on my desktop which sounds like its going to launch itself into space every time I turn it on, so I have to leave the room while it starts up or else I wish to kill it.
Still loving anime, I just finished the NANA series which in my opinion had a lame ending, but other than that I was pleased with it. I need to find some new series to watch =)
I hope to post some new wallpapers this summer =)

Picture is of one of the villains I made to go with my thesis on "The Use of Villains in Children's Literature", Gregor the Goanna, he's about a yard long. I have a habit of choosing topics that have little or nothing written about them, there is almost nothing written on villains in literature. But I hate writing papers, so the only way I make it through one is by choosing a topic I'm really into.
Hello! I havent been to theOtaku for quite awhile =P and I havent submitted anything for a long, long time. But there is a reason! I am working on writing my thesis and thus graduate from college (finally) I am doing a combo major of Art and English, so I have to write a really long and publishable paper, as well as projects to go with it. I am still watching a lot of anime and reading manga, though its getting harder and harder to find new anime series that I havent already seen. I want to make more wallpapers, but then it is to tempting to work on them instead of writing my paper
but once I graduate in May I will be free to do them again!
I'm not dead yet! I haven't posted or submitted new things for a long while, but I still check in. I have quite a few wallpapers I've been working on, but since im back in school it's hard to find the time to finish them. I tend to get caught in the little details so they take forever =P I also have the problem that I save them all over my computer, and when i havent worked on something for a month or so i tend to forget where i saved it, what i named it, and so on. But I want to start submitting stuff again, so i will work on them when i can!
Right now i am having trouble finding new anime series to watch =( I did manage to find one that im enjoying: Emma-A Victorian Romance. It's about a maid, but not a "maid" anime, the animation is beautiful, the characters are great, and an interesting story. I don't watch a lot of subtitled anime, but this one is very well done and it's not at all a hectic or fast-pace story so its easy to keep up with. Season 2 just came out, the pace of the story is picking up and new characters are showing up. It's a really great anime, so if you're looking for something new to watch, watch this!
I'll try to be better at updating this site! if anyone wants to talk or has any questions feel free to ask! toodles!
I've finally created a world! o glee! I shall indeed continue to work on this world... but my brain is quickly shutting down for the night so i shall continue tomorrow! toodles!