HelloKatty Create A CD Cover - Songs Of Myself

Back with another challenge. xD

Anyways for this challenge I want you all to create a CD cover.

Example: x

In my Junior Year of high school(that just ended a month ago) my English class was studying Walt Whitman and we had to read "Songs of Myself". After we read it I was assigned a project were I had to pick out 12-15 songs that showed my Philosophy on life and write an essay. I also had to create a CD cover for my project. I decided to use a card on TheO(I asked permission of course) for my CD cover.

So for this challenge I want you all to create a CD cover and of course it has to match your philosophy on life in some way. The quote, design etc. has to show your philosophy on life in some way.

Also in the description put all 12 or 15 songs you chose that describe what you believe in, your philosophy on life. And, this isn't really a requirement but if you want, write a little essay and post it on your world. :3

Philosophy Essay example: x

You don't have to put all your songs in the essay. Just choose 5 and describe how they show your philosophy on life.

Again you DO NOT have to write an essay. Only if you want to cause the project I did was fun. xD

Now back to the challenge. I want you all to CREATE A CD COVER. and in the description put all 12 or 15 songs that show your Philosophy on life.
The CD cover must also express your Philosophy on life in some way as well.


  • All entries that follow theOtaku's guidelines are allowed in my challenge.
  • Enter your own work. No stealing.
  • Put effort into your entry.
  • Unlimited entries if you want. Just be sure to put your songs in the descriptions of all the cards you enter.
  • Have fun!

Can't wait to see all the beautiful CD covers. :3

2 members Favoritefavorite
Dobiba Kaerlyn
Other Anime and Manga
13 entries
Disqualify Entry
Challenge completed
Let Angels ~Morbid Dollie
Never Lose Myself ~Ritona
Keep The Faith ~Kurihara Akane
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