X3 WOOO!! It's summer time!!
^-^ this is my pic for summer! it's when the twilight town gang goes to the beach! >w<
my eyes really hurt when I did the BG though it was so bright. U_U they still hurt now...owie...
Pence kinda looks weird though. I had to redraw him 3 or 4 times because he never turned out right and he kept blocking Hayner's face. When my sis looked at it, she said, "hey, can't you make the picture bigger so that you can move pence more to the side?" and I was like," No yo- oh hey yea..."
XD LOL I fail
hmm....I think that's all too...oh yea!! ^^ Thanks for the 950+ votes guys! I really appreciate it!
Rei Uruhara(C)Me!!
Roxas, Olette, Hayner, Pence(C)Squareeinx
the Beach(C) DA WERLD! XD
EDIT: oh yea, I said I would draw Takashi next on my last pic. Well, I did. If you want to see him and Moro, go to Request of the Heart and you can see them. :D But be warned, Takashi looks horrible. XD