oh, Rei looks SO PRETTY!
her eyes and her hair and her expression and everything! she's just really pretty!
and the poses are really cute. ^^
OH MY GOODNESS thaz alot of votes!
*hugs* congratz!
ill catch up eventually
anyways, great work my friend!
omg, this is soooooooooo cute! i was planning on making a group pic with elena, sayoko and faith in the beach, but i was too busy working on a vampire story instead XD lol
I love everything in this pic! so happy and bright X3 (even tho it hurt ur eyes..) ^^;; im srry bout that, hope it feels better now~
Cool! Love the sunny backround! I downloaded this for my wallpaper.
Hm...Hayner doesn't look that weird. Wooh! Go summer time!
Fun-chan this has got to be one of my most favorites that has been done by you!
Little Sayu (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/06/08 | Reply
Ima-chan this is sooo cute!!! ^^ *huggles piccy* It's like a photo, I totally love it!!! squee!~
The only thing I have to say really is try maybe to make their skin just a tad bit less yellow and a bit more peach~! Other than that, everything is great!(don't worry Pence came out fantastic!)
I LOVE IT!!~ Fave from me! ^^
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/18/08 | Reply
really cute^^ *hugs and favorites*
Yay! Summer! I'm so happy. This picture makes me want to eat a popsicle and go for a swim. XD if only I had a pool...
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/08/08 | Reply
wow really nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i lov the poses and expressions1
what the...
Senior Otaku | Posted 06/08/08 | Reply
oh, Rei looks SO PRETTY!

her eyes and her hair and her expression and everything! she's just really pretty!
and the poses are really cute. ^^
OH MY GOODNESS thaz alot of votes!
*hugs* congratz!
ill catch up eventually
anyways, great work my friend!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/07/08 | Reply
omg, this is soooooooooo cute! i was planning on making a group pic with elena, sayoko and faith in the beach, but i was too busy working on a vampire story instead XD lol
I love everything in this pic! so happy and bright X3 (even tho it hurt ur eyes..) ^^;; im srry bout that, hope it feels better now~
a definate hug and fav my buddy!
NOT THE COMPANY ;D (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/07/08 | Reply
actually it's pence that looks sorta weird to me sensei but I'm starting to think otherwise. XD lol
and thanks! I'm glad u like it! :3 I likes it too.*thinks back* I think might be my only pic with a decent BG idk. XD
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/07/08 | Reply
Cool! Love the sunny backround! I downloaded this for my wallpaper.
Hm...Hayner doesn't look that weird. Wooh! Go summer time!
Fun-chan this has got to be one of my most favorites that has been done by you!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/06/08 | Reply
oh! neat!! great job!!
NOT THE COMPANY ;D (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/06/08 | Reply
*watches Roxas being taken by Timby-chan*
Neko Girl (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/06/08 | Reply
They all look sooo happy and cute!!!! Nice job! I wish I was at the beach right now. ^.^
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/06/08 | Reply
*stares for awhile*
That's awesome!! I lik that
ur character looks really khie!!
seriously awesome job! and...
*grabs roxas and runs away*
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/06/08 | Reply
So cute! :D
I really love their expressions, 'cause they really fit their personalities (or at least what I know about their personalities XD).
Reminds me that it's summer at last!
Little Sayu (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/06/08 | Reply
Ima-chan this is sooo cute!!! ^^ *huggles piccy* It's like a photo, I totally love it!!! squee!~
The only thing I have to say really is try maybe to make their skin just a tad bit less yellow and a bit more peach~! Other than that, everything is great!(don't worry Pence came out fantastic!)
I LOVE IT!!~ Fave from me! ^^