Naomi Bear (Fan Art Portfolio) Nae's Drawing Profile (Holy Water)

Nae's Drawing Profile (Holy Water)
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Here you go CK! It's me as a Vampire. This is for CK's Manga Holy Water (( Check it out ^^)). I stayed up untill 5:00am making this... *yawn* 0.-

Profile- (the manga takes one year from now.)

Name: Naé Nelson (not real name)

Age: 15

Height: 5'2

Hair Color: Brown

Hair length: Medium

Eye color: Brown

Personality: She is very fun to be with. Nae likes to play and dash around. She loves soring through the sky (with her super jumps of course* and meeting new people is a hobby. Music = life according to her. She loves to sing and dance. When it comes down to certain things she could be VERY serious. She doesn't play when it comes down to survival and/ or disaster. Her favorite color is Yellow even though she loves wearing red. She's a flirt when it comes down to boys and girls but mostly girls but she doesn't flirt with friends. (since Naé is a vampire verison of me I should include that she's bi as well.)

Basic Info: Naé is apart of the Nelson clan. Her clan are know for there pointy ears. Though Naé has pointy ears, people never seem to notice them because they are partly behind her hair. Being a vampire is fun to her most of the time but she really despise feeding time. When it comes down to surviving, vampires have no choice but to drink blood. Her clan drinks the blood that suits their naste. With Naé, her taste in blood is unhappiness. (like Karin Maaka in the anime Karin ^^) Whenever she comes across a human and/or an animal whose unhappy, her blood acts up and she suddenly has the urge to drink the blood of the unhappy. But she refuse to kill people and living things just to drink blood for herself. She tries to control her blood thurst. She gets distracted by the smell of strawberries.

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
cute, girl, holy water, naã£â©, nae, red, vampire
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8 members Favoritefavorite
Shoni cheriblosomchibi SandLover13 vdr-07 DeidaraNarutoClan shizuka101
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