Alright this is sorta for both a contest and than a picture of my pokemon in human form. I really tried to do something different and thus since Luxray is under appreciated I had to draw him. Plus I usually always have him in my party when I play my game. He's the best electrical pokemon even...sorry Pikachu move over because a new bad boy is in town!
So this is for tamster224's contest in making a pokemon a human but also for a club since I am I guess Lux the Luxray in it and she wanted pictures of what our characters look like. I probably will draw more since this in a way is my own O.C. I know the contest closed yesterday but I hope tamster still takes it since I just got back to school and the scanner is working now...please take consider it please T^T
I have to give reirei some credit because the hair style coloring is based off her ideas and help. I really like it but I still have a ways to go!! :D This is an improvement on my artwork that is for sure. I drew lighting in the background but the scanner ruined it so I just blurred everything together. I hope it looks ok.
Hugs and comments are always appreciated.