fire.freak (Fan Art Portfolio) The Legends....Their Legacy

The Legends....Their Legacy

Here's the pic I promised Magi! X3 About Arai, Kiba and their legacy (their children XD)
From left to right: Keiichi, Kotone, Kojiro and Sakiko
They weren't suppose to be so close in age, but whatever, you know? XD

They all have the markings that the Inuzuka clan have. But only Kotone and Kojiro's markings are permanent, while Keiichi and Sakiko's are like Arai's. Added in.

Keiichi Inuzuka[20] - The oldest of his siblings. He is the spitting image of Arai. In personality, looks, and charm[XD]. Keiichi even takes on Arai's trademark weapon: the Kusari-Gama[A sickle/scythe like weapon with chains attached to the ends]. He is now the top dog[toughet ninja XD] in Konoha...right next to Jiraiya Uzumaki, Hikaru Uchiha and Hiro Hyuuga! [Yea, I said it XD]. Keiichi is currently dating Hanako Uzumaki [XDD]

Kotone Inuzuka[18] - The oldest daughter of Arai and Kiba Inuzuka. She is not a fighter at all. She's never been able to fight. She didn't even pass the Ninja Academy because she couldn't fight. What she did was move straight into research because of he superb intelligence at a young age[Around age 13?]

Kojiro Inuzuka[17] - The youngest son of Arai and Inuzuka. He looks up to his older brother and allows sees him as his biggest rival. While he may take on Kiba's bad traits such as witty and cocky he also takes on Kiba's good traits, like loyal and protective. He is as protective of his sister as Keiichi is.

Sakiko Inuzuka[14] - The last child of Arai and Kiba Inuzuka and the wildest of all their children. She's the definition of a child straight from the wild. She has many animal instincts like her father and travels around with a little dog[Hiroki's son? XD *Hiroki is Arai's canine companion*]. Although she has the wild instincts of her father, she has the brains and logic of her mother. Put those two together and little Sakiko can make sparks fly with her moves.

May I also say that Keiichi and Sakiko are suckers for their godmama Okihi Hatake? :3 They would literally do whatever she asks XDDD "Could you make me some ramen, Keiichi?" *Keiichi leaves and reenters exactly 30 seconds later* "I'M SO SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG!! D': My Katon Jutsu was down a level because I didn't want to burn anything :'< I'M SORRY! I LOVE YOU! :D" Lol. Spazz XD That is all =]

Arai, Keiichi, Kotone, Kojiro and Sakiko Inuzuka (c) fire.freak(theO)/fire-freak94(dA)
Kiba Inuzuka (c) Masashi Kishimoto

Naruto Fan Art
arai, arai inuzuka, arai takameshi, araiko, keiichi, kiba, kiba inuzuka, kojiro, kotone, sakiko
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