SG Creations (Fan Art Portfolio) Fall Seven Times...

Fall Seven Times...
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...Stand Up Eight.

...It's one of many great profound proverbs to come out of Japan, a nation very close to my heart and a part of my heritage, and a proverb that has proven to be a very fitting description of the determined, and industrious spirit exhibited by that country's inhabitants, as they have repeatedly marveled the world with their ability to rise from the ashes of the hardships that color their past.

The events in Japan that unfolded on March 11, 2011, were both horrifying and tragic, and my heart goes out to all who have been effected by this disaster.
however, I strongly believe in the strength of the Japanese people, and the resolve and determination that has made them such a power on so many fronts in our world, and I have faith that they will rebuild, and recover in time as they have before.


who'd have thought that it would take a major event like this to jar me into doing a traditional piece? I'm not sure how to feel about that, that it took a great tragedy to jar things loose.
but I got the inspiration for this image sort of spur of the moment, and I did try to do it digitally, but it just wasn't working, so I dug out my sketch pencils, and my pastels, and set to work.

the end result is simplistic, but for once, some of the normal focus on the quality and detail has been redirected to meaning.

the red crowned crane (a national treasure in Japan) is meant to symbolize Japan as a whole, the people, the land, etc. - it exists in the midst of a bleak scene of debris strewn waters beneath a smokey sky, but though it's dirtied, tousled, and wounded, it's still standing, its spirit and resolve remain strong.

Stay strong Japan, I know you can weather this storm.

See how you can help: Japan Aid fundraiser info article:

American Red Cross:

Notice For PayPal Users: Paypal in cooperation with their partner, MissionFish, now has made a portal for donations for the Tsunami/quake relief efforts via some charity organizations such as the American Red Cross and Save the Children, so now paypal users like me who might mainly have their funds tied up in their paypal accounts can donate directly from those same accounts. check it out -

Personal Fan Art
admiration, crane, Crowned, debris, Disaster, Japan, Japanese, love, memorial, natural, Red, smoke, strength, strong, sun, support, tribute, Tsunami, water, wounded
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