Hahhh. Okay, so this is Acacia, but people call her Acey. She's an alien, like Iria, aaand so she lives on the same planet as her. So her thing is she always looks really happy and cute, but she's actually kinda spiteful sometimes. Hahaha. For example, here she is, looking all happy and sweet, but bluntly stating how she hates Iria.
She's actually kind of friends with Iria, though. They're... frenemies. Haha. She's actually just kinda jealous of Iria, but whatever. I CAN SEE WHY, BECAUSE I REALLY DON'T THINK I LIKE THE WAY THIS TURNED OUT. Oh, well. I tried. :'D
Ehm. Yeah. Also, to go along with her personality, I was thinking of giving her a really bad potty mouth. :I But I dunno if I'm gonna go through with that. We'll see. Haha.
Also, she's kind of fish-ish, in case you didn't notice. Woah, webbed feet. And ears. She also has gills... I was kinda thinking since her ears don't look like they would function as ears, she would actually hear through those gills on her neck. xDDD Okay, yeah. Maybe that's stupid. I'll think about that also.