Hey all! this is my (super last-minute because I'm a flake) entry for Zuzu Uchiha's Draw to the Music challenge. It's inspired by "Dancing out in Space" by David Bowie. The drawing is of Peter Quill (Star-Lord) and Kitty Pryde(Shadowcat/Star-Lord), who are engaged in the comics and I ship them to infinity.
For this drawing I tried something a little different. Peter and Kitty were drawn on printing paper with a gel pen and colored with colored pencil. But unlike usual, when I did the color, I actually put some effort into it. Usually I color like a kindergardener with a box of crayons, but for this drawing I took my time and used a range of colors and values to create the look. The background was all digital. See, I really love images of outer space, but I'm really really bad at drawing them. So rather than crap up my otherwise lovely drawing with a black pencil, I made a gradient black and purple background in Photoshop. then, after some failed attempts to draw stars with the brush tool, I uploaded it to Picmonkey and applied a space filter. Cheating a bit, but hey, it looks pretty good.
Update 1/14/16
Removed that ugly black spot next to Peter's shoulder. Don't know if anyone else noticed it, but it was bugging me.