
Title Otaku Legend
Birthday 10/07/95
Member Since 09/09/08
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Gifts vdr-07: happy b-day :) : Happy birthday darlin'! :D Otaku baby: banana for for strawberry collection !XD : HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! vdr-07: happy b-day :) FalseDelusion: 8D   !!!! FalseDelusion: Y FalseDelusion: A FalseDelusion: D FalseDelusion: H FalseDelusion: T FalseDelusion: T FalseDelusion: R FalseDelusion: I FalseDelusion: B FalseDelusion: ____ FalseDelusion: Y FalseDelusion: P FalseDelusion: P FalseDelusion: A FalseDelusion: H FalseDelusion: And theyre selling lots of S&M things FalseDelusion: i went into this porn shop today yeah, & FalseDelusion: But it's okay, you'll still be my pet =] FalseDelusion: lol, you're such a sad little kitty XD FalseDelusion: rip off? How? Did you watch origional? FalseDelusion: Watching constantine its good FalseDelusion: My life is a fantasy manga =] FalseDelusion: Haven't you learned by now I'm a demon? FalseDelusion: Friendly or not, they taste bad FalseDelusion: Exactly, it's not a strawberry. You fail FalseDelusion: Does NOT!!! D8 FalseDelusion: But I like pure blooded strawbarries! FalseDelusion: I DO see a CUPCAKE!! EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW FalseDelusion: ..considering you sent me a cupcake =_=; FalseDelusion: ..and probably yourself.. FalseDelusion: You've succeeded in confusing me FalseDelusion: OH! My mind's back, but it forgot that FalseDelusion: What try again option? O_o Try what? FalseDelusion: What's not working ma gator-pie? =] FalseDelusion: Please try again shortly. -click- FalseDelusion: Too late, my mind is too far gone FalseDelusion: aka, not at all. I'd just get wet XD FalseDelusion: No.. i'd melt as much as you would melt FalseDelusion: I'm the empress of hell and fire! 8D FalseDelusion: Oh, and fire and heat doesn't affect me FalseDelusion: PPFFTT!! In your dreams FalseDelusion: c I wont fall in! so get tht thought out FalseDelusion: b) Fire can't hurt me, i'm god FalseDelusion: a) I'm immortal, i don't die FalseDelusion: Good girl FalseDelusion: Id have started on preparing to cook you FalseDelusion: Had you not change back to strawberries, FalseDelusion: Will not be thrown in. I'm god. FalseDelusion: I WANT STRAWBERRIES DAMNIT! FalseDelusion: That was the idea. NO SUSHI FOR ME!! D: FalseDelusion: But you�re not. So you�re safe =] FalseDelusion: I�d only eat you if youre useless FalseDelusion: ...After I cage and chain you up tho FalseDelusion: I wont eat you without telling you first FalseDelusion: Of course you�d be safer with me. FalseDelusion: Do you have tails, over there >_> FalseDelusion: Dont worry,only one to get ur tail is me FalseDelusion: why not? youd be famous without trying FalseDelusion: Whats wrong with being endangered? FalseDelusion: As Lizgator lol FalseDelusion: I still sleepy, so I misread your name.. FalseDelusion: You are myy fireeee~! The one desireee~! FalseDelusion: See comment reply for the calculations FalseDelusion: PFFTT! FalseDelusion: If ever you get premmy, gime blood vial FalseDelusion: Strawberry Icecream + handcuffs + collar FalseDelusion: By that, i meant still gimme strawberry FalseDelusion: BUT IT ALSO TASTES BAD!! GIMME ICECREAM! FalseDelusion: BECAUSE WHIPPED CREAM IS FATTENING!! FalseDelusion: BECAUSE I'M IN LOVEEE! zyxcixen: ^_^ just thought of giving gifts haha... vdr-07: your art is cool! keep it up! XD kugen: Happy Holidays! : Merry Xmas, Lizz-darling! :-] JackE034: Happy Late Birthday <3 kugen: Cookies R 4 Smart PPLZ! Enjoy! gunArt: ur aRts r sweet n simply aMazing!Yah=D
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