
Title Grand Otaku
Birthday 01/13/82
Member Since 01/24/09
Guestbook 642 signatures
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Gifts : thanks ^^ Xenesis: Thankies for the band-aid gift X3 : thank you sister ^^ : Happy Late Easter ecnelisterger: >: ecnelisterger: Hope your rat get better! D: ecnelisterger: Epic-chan!!!! AmberTears: Happy Easter! Felcie: Happy Easter !! x) Amestar: HAPPEH EASTER :D Katherine Talbot: Happy Easter! Yammi chan: Happy Easter =^___~= xNotUnderstood: *chip* is i love you, in peep : Happy Easter! ^_^ HelloKatty: Happy Easter! HelloKatty: To nom on cuz everyone loves chocolate! kikkima: Happy Easter :D Star Crossed: Happy Easter!! :D Rainbow Dragon: Happy Easter! Hope you got lots of candy : Happy Easter Winter! Hope its a good one Zennyxchan: Happy easter IChiTa: Happy Easter~ SaiKat: Happy Easter! :3 SaxGirl: Happy Easter!^__^ *hugs* SakuraDust: Happy Easter *3* trailmixy: Happy Day of Bunneh and Duckeh ecnelisterger: Happy Easter~ :) Timcanpy14: Happy Easter~ Kailith: Happy Easter! :) Butterflykiss: Happy Easter! ReiKiba: A choco rabbit for you! ReiKiba: Happy Easter! <3 Miracle Star19: HAPPEH EASTER!!! :3 omnia1: thanku so much for your support .  ^_^ x Morbid Dollie: *Chops head off* Morbid Dollie: *Chops head off* Morbid Dollie: *Chops head off* Morbid Dollie: *Chops head off* Morbid Dollie: *Chops head off* Morbid Dollie: *Chops head off* Morbid Dollie: *Chops head off* : I hope you are in mine as well. :D : And this is for all your great cards! : For all your wonderful walls! : I love talking to you in chat y'know! :D : Cant wait till the story is finished. :D Morbid Dollie: PIE ROCKS! Morbid Dollie: Hitsugaya rocks! Morbid Dollie: These gifts rock! Morbid Dollie: Flowers rock! Morbid Dollie: Hope you like it! Morbid Dollie: To my sister X33 Morbid Dollie: Banana for the BananaPudding~ LightFykki: Banana for Banana-chan!!!! LightFykki: Am, no.... ah, well... xDD LightFykki: Have I got you embarrassed?? OwO LightFykki: I hope that you will met Bill one day!!! Morbid Dollie: Yeah, Shania Twain xD Morbid Dollie: I can't wait to staaaart Morbid Dollie: Can't wait to live my life with you Morbid Dollie: Now I'm running and screaming~ ReiKiba: Just... because? xD 21Emmz12: Thank you for the gift~!! 8D jikosangel: thanks for entering my 2nd challenge!! xNotUnderstood: Shot and killed with love xNotUnderstood: *huggle glomp* <3 xNotUnderstood: welcome! Gift spam :D xNotUnderstood: we  have no pudding,but your Delicous<3 ReiKiba: Miss u too! x3 But always do remember u! ecnelisterger: xD My portfolio have so much love~ ecnelisterger: xD No goldfish in the Gifts section~ Morbid Dollie: Reason #3 you like sushi Morbid Dollie: Reason #2 you like sushi Morbid Dollie: Pretend you like sushi, k? xD Morbid Dollie: Reason #1 you like sushi Morbid Dollie: Pretend you like sushi, k? xD Morbid Dollie: Cupid hit ya. Now you love Jak. Morbid Dollie: Teddy for my Teddy-chan =3= Morbid Dollie: Cake will help too. EAT IT. EAT IT. Morbid Dollie: You need to gain weight. Eat some ramen. trailmixy: you can haz a cookie :3 SaiKat: For being great ^w^ kobato chii: Be happy...^ ^ ReiKiba: :3 Thanks. Morbid Dollie: *noms head* : Thank you for subbing! ^_^ kita mikichi: Congrats on your promotion! =^^= ecnelisterger: Congrats for the promotion! :D nirvana donut: thanks for entering and good luck! xNotUnderstood: Grazie mille,i feel so loved kandafan: i LUF your avatar, link is so badass!XD infinatelove42: happy valentines day!!! *huggles*^^ ReiKiba: Happy Valentine's Day, Ciel! :D Miracle Star19: HAPPEH V-DAY!!! =3 Yammi chan: Happy Valentine's day ! ^^ KitKatKitty: Happy Valentine's Day! teapartyprincess: happy valenitine's day ^w^ : Happy Valentines day ReiKiba: *huuuuuuuuuuugszz!!!* from Lizzie! :3 ElementalNinja: Welcome to our Vocaloid Family, Lilly!! xNotUnderstood: Tough yet Sweet xNotUnderstood: to someone Oh so Beautiful and Kind LightFykki: Thanks for the treat! Woof! :D : :) XrabidfangirlX: happy belated birthday! *huggle* ReiKiba: A rose for you too, Ciel!!! <33 *glomps* josephine12cute: the for the cuteness gift ;) Hyonimaru: Happy B-Day! sasuke uchia: late bday gift Kimi Sihu: Happy B-day! : Happy birthday lionheart-chan!!! ^-^ Timcanpy14: Have a wonderful birthday~ ^^ Morbid Dollie: Most useless big sister ever... Morbid Dollie: Dang, I almost forgot a gift here ;A; ecnelisterger: Happy Birthday! :D teapartyprincess: happy birthday ^^ !!! : Happy Birthday! =D Shadowcatgirl: Happy Birthday!! AnnaKanda: Happy Birthday! XD kisskiss-bangbang: HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TamaDoodles24: happy bday!glad i wasnt late 2 the party pau7: Happy Birthday!! =D reichiinya: Hope you enjoy your birthday pocky! vdr-07: HAPPY b-DAY! : Happy Birthday! =D Artgrrl: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Linden Rathan: HAPPY BIRTHDAY LION! Butterflykiss: Hope you have the best birthday ever!!!! LightFykki: Happy Birthday my friend!!! ^___^ aizome: a giant cookie& kissu~Happy Birthday ^w^ Zennyxchan: Happy Birthday :D SaxGirl: Happy birthday!^___^ *hugs* 21Emmz12: HAPPY BIRTHDAY~!! =^D KrondorianV: Happy B-day!!! ^_^ ReiKiba: Happy Birthday and have a wonderful day! Katherine Talbot: Have a Wonderful B-Day! Felcie: Happy Birthday to youuuuuu *sings* =3 Support KIRA: Happy Birthday! <3 Butterflykiss: Just for being so awesome :3 Morbid Dollie: Eat some ice cream, you obese weirdo! XD Morbid Dollie: Congrats on winning X3 Morbid Dollie: Yaoi wall it is! XD ReiKiba: Thank you, Ciel! You are awesome! Morbid Dollie: crazyyyy Morbid Dollie: Sweetest sister ever <3 Xephos: Nya. Happy New Year. :3 ecnelisterger: Fine!!!! And you?? ecnelisterger: 'ello? *talks to you with the banana* ecnelisterger: Really? *handed you a banana as well* ecnelisterger: Panda alert! XDD ecnelisterger: For a lovely friend. :) ecnelisterger: Box of pocky! XD aminesick: Happy 2011!! ^_^Best wishes 4 the future beloved blood: Happy New Years, Len!!! ecnelisterger: All the best for 2011~ :D Yammi chan: Happy 2011 ^___^ starwing12: Happy Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Support KIRA: Merry Xmas and Happy New Year! <3 josephine12cute: Merry Xmas & Happy New Year :)) Miracle Star19: MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! :D Rainbow Dragon: Keep making those amazing wallies:D Rainbow Dragon: Merry Christmas friend! Haxelo: Merry Christmas!! <3 *hugs* Kailith: Happy Holidays! Morbid Dollie: Merry Christmas Dude! : Happy Holidays : Merry Christmas! ^_^ LightFykki: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Artgrrl: Merry Christmas! ^_^ aizome: Merry Christmas, nee-san!~from Ai& Re~ Yammi chan: Merry christmas and Happy New year!!! Katherine Talbot: Merry Chirstmas! ReiKiba: Merry Christmas and H.New Year! ^-^ : Merry Christmas from Linku-claus! ReiKiba: Thank u for ur participation for FF! <3 Immortal Queen: Thank you for entering snow fun! Rainbow Dragon: For being an amazing friend LightFykki: Thanks! Happy holidays to you too! :D LightFykki: Thank you for sub and e-card buddy! :D ecnelisterger: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! ReiKiba: No matter what, u're always my friend :D Butterflykiss: You rock sis! xNotUnderstood: thank you 4 working hard in my challenge ecnelisterger: *pokes* The panda did it!! ReiKiba: To Sasuke-san? xD Morbid Dollie: I'M IMMATURE -- DEAL WITH IT Bleachic: Thank you very much, for the sub *^^* ecnelisterger: XD You're the one who was awesum! HelloKatty: A Panda For The Winner Of My Challenge! Water Nymph: Happy Thanksgiving! : Happy Thanksgiving :3 Zennyxchan: happy thanksgiving : miss you too sis ReiKiba: Both you and cloud are awesome! <3 Morbid Dollie: I expect no gifts in return! Morbid Dollie: EVER Morbid Dollie: Nothing will come between us Morbid Dollie: None who will understand me like you do Morbid Dollie: Or more caring Morbid Dollie: Or sweeter Morbid Dollie: There could never be a sibling better Morbid Dollie: Not even myself Morbid Dollie: Greater than you Morbid Dollie: Couldn't ask for a sister Morbid Dollie: For the best sister ever MikuXHatsune: Cause you love bananas, adorable Len! X3 trailmixy: Aloha buddy XD HelloKatty: For A Sweetheart Like You! *poke* kisskiss-bangbang: No worries! Your forgiven! *winks* ReiKiba: Thank you! This reminds me of you xD kisskiss-bangbang: CLEARLY! AnimeZero725: Me and simsons art work thank you. Kyubi Elric: GO BANANAS! XD Morbid Dollie: All the more gifts to show off XD Morbid Dollie: Nyuck Nyuck Nyuck! You started this XD Morbid Dollie: ya think? XD Morbid Dollie: ya think? XD Morbid Dollie: Now the world knows we love him XD Morbid Dollie: sure am XD Morbid Dollie: Well, yeah, it's Sebastian X3 XD Morbid Dollie: I can imagine xDDD Morbid Dollie: Must have! Nothing else makes sense! XD Morbid Dollie: Anytime ;3 yuko9kost: thanks for subbing>.< Morbid Dollie: :D Morbid Dollie: Enjoy! ;3 Morbid Dollie: 1st place! Woohoo! XD trailmixy: Your wallie is next on my to do list :3 trailmixy: Thanks for the awesome Len Wall XD trailmixy: I give you the cookie of AWESOMENESS XD Morbid Dollie: Happy Halloween! aizome: Happy Halloween, SLH!~Ai-chan ^w^ ecnelisterger: Happy Halloween!!! XD Zennyxchan: happy halloween! : Have a pig!! Kewt Piggy X3 Lulz!! XD : Just thawt i wood tell ya tht ur AWESUM! Morbid Dollie: POOOOP!!! : Always keep on writing~ Morbid Dollie: For winning in my challenge :3 Morbid Dollie: my first gift's mssg failed T_T Morbid Dollie: For my big ole' moron! Morbid Dollie: For my big ole : For all your special notes~ Zennyxchan: Thank you for caring ^^ Morbid Dollie: Here you go, Fat Jak! Xephos: Thanks. ^^ kisskiss-bangbang: Cute Panda for a Cute Girl Miracle Star19: All your Wallpapers are AWESOMENESS :D Morbid Dollie: to my Big J  XD liveeverysecond: somethin' sweet for being sweet ^_^ : Chocolate pocky for you :) : A puppy dog for you~ Morbid Dollie: I know I am! aizome: days of May bring new smiles for you ^w^ Xephos: Thanks. ^^ *purrs* Miracle Star19: HAPPY EASTER!!! =3 : Happy Easter! ^_^ Haseo84: thnx 4 the gift xD ur kool bro : Happy St. Patrick�s  Day! ^_^ Miracle Star19: Happy St. Patty Day =3 kisskiss-bangbang: YOUR TWICE AS AMAZING AS AMAZING! Morbid Dollie: For the best "almost twin" ever X3 Xephos: Thanks. ^^ *purrs* noirassasin: Happy chocolates day! or V-day! � Miracle Star19: *Cupid strikes* HAPPY V-DAY!!! X3 : Happy Valentines Day! ^_^ Katherine Talbot: Happy Valentine's Day! ~ from Aoi & KT ~ Ryo or Demon: ^^ Happy Vday! : Happy Valentine's Day! ~love TW & Ruki~ Xenesis: XD Bill-panda 4u, and idk bout thepiggeh Kyubi Elric: 'Tis okay, I still love you :D KitKatKitty: Congrats on the promotion! narutofangirl8: heres a slice of bday cake!! : For a lovely lady~ Thanks for joining~! Shadowcatgirl: Happy Birthday! I hope you have fun! Kyubi Elric: Happy B-Day XD starwing12: happy birthday! MintIceCream: happy b-day!!!! Katherine Talbot: Happy Birthday! Have a great day. xaos: Happy Birthday! ^____^ narutofangirl8: HAPPY B-DAY!!! aoneko: happy b-day harplayer: Happy Birthday!!!!  Hope it's awesome!!! VincentsGrl: Happy B-day! hope u have a wonderful day Miracle Star19: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! :DDD Sweet L: ...and be happy! *hugs* Sweet L: Happy birthday! ^_^ vdr-07: HAPPY B-DAY!!!!!!!!! sasuke uchia: happy birthday^^ aizome: Happy Birthday! ^^ ~ Ai-chan& Reita : Happy Birthday!!! ^^ milkyamazingtown: happy birthday XD Haxelo: Happy Birthday! : Happy Birthday! ^_^ narutofangirl8: HERES A GIFT TO A FRIEND!! sonji: thanks milkyamazingtown: have a great day^^ Anime Heart 2009: Thanks n____n Kyubi Elric: Happy New Year XD narutard92: happy new year ! ^_^ : Happy New Year!!! krizomet: wish u a lucky year 2010!! X3 Haxelo: Happy New Year! X3 meirin: hope u can stil rmmbr me;Happy New year! Felcie: Listen 3dg again and again in 2010! lol : Love your wallpapers! ^_^ Xephos: Merry Late Christmas to you. ^^ kahoko66: happy holidays to you too!!! CiaCiaChii: HAPPY HOLIDAYS! (late o_o) : Thanks and Happy holidays to you Sweet L: Thank you and happy holidays!^^ kisskiss-bangbang: Dude, Lost in a snow storm Katherine Talbot: Thanks. Here's one for you. *__* : Happy Holidays! sasusaku 4ever: Happy holidays. I made cake :D KUYZO: Have a great holiday and thanks AcidicRaven: :3 CanniAnniRoxas: Happy Belated Holidays! and thank you! Morbid Dollie: Merry Xmas from your Bri-bri! X3 : You are awesome! Xenesis: its ok so i give u this cookie to my bud nosheep13: HAPPY HOLIDAYS! inufluffy12: Merry Christmas! XrabidfangirlX: thanks for the gift! *hug* arcticwulf: Thanks alot for the gift & sub! :D vdr-07: you are Awesum!!!! XP aizome: Merry Christmas, from Ai-chan& Reita ^^ beloved blood: HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!! xxPockyAddictx: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year~ DeidaraNarutoClan: Thanks for the gift ^^ here's yours Kyubi Elric: You're a great friend XD Morbid Dollie: Merry Christmas :D MintIceCream: merry xmas!!! MintIceCream: merry xmas!!! artypants1017: Happy hoildays narutofangirl8: happy holidays! Miracle Star19: MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!:DDD Haxelo: Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! X3 Sakuse: Merry Christmas!!! : Merry Christmas! ~love TW & Ruki-san~ Kyubi Elric: Thanks for being a great friend :) Xenesis: happy x-mas&a happy new year 2 u too!^^ avrilfan: You are a good friend! sideshowxbob: halloween! boo! :3 sideshowxbob: n_n Morbid Dollie: Hee! You deserve him!! ;3 Morbid Dollie: Hee! You deserve him!! ;3 butterflyxtears: :3 kalasinhatake: [I]Charmed[/I] you think so ^-^. Morbid Dollie: for being just an awesome you! <3 SirLawliet: Yeah, its a brick, now go have fun! lol AvariceTears: You are sweet as a Pumpkin XD!! Blood Moon Wolf: thanx 4 being a good buddeh :) u rule!8D butterflyxtears: have a banana monkey ;D : *waves* Thanks for the Lulu wallie... butterflyxtears: ^-^ al76259: hi ginovaef: to my cute friend.  i love you. Sweet L: Thanks for being a awesome friend !*hug* Axelflame: hope u like it :3 ginovaef: you are cute like this bunny. love you. areemus: �~Thank u 4 everything dear~ � Morbid Dollie: That's for being you, Squall :P Xephos: Thank you for being my frind here. ^^ Morbid Dollie: i know how you love halloweeny things XD Sweet L: I love your wallpapers , keep it up !
Trophy Case Fan Art Trophy Wallpapers Trophy Fan Comics Trophy Cards Trophy Quizzes Trophy Comments Trophy
Medals Contestant - Challenge: Hope For Japan Contestant - Challenge: Breast Cancer Awareness Challenge Contestant - Challenge: Say my words, sing my song Contestant - Challenge: Everyone has a { secret } Contestant - Challenge: Everyone has a { secret } Creator - your first thoughts Contestant - Challenge: What\'s Yours? Contestant - Challenge: What\'s Yours? Contestant - Challenge: What\'s Yours? Contestant - Challenge: What\'s Yours? Contestant - Challenge: What\'s Yours? Contestant - Challenge: What\'s Yours? Contestant - Challenge: What\'s Yours? Contestant - Challenge: My eyes can\'t take it anymore!!!! Contestant - Challenge: Let There Be Light Contestant - Challenge: Mix and Match Contestant - Challenge: Retrospect! Contestant - Challenge: I heart theOtaku! Contestant - Challenge: I heart theOtaku! Contestant - Challenge: I heart theOtaku! Contestant - Challenge: A word Contestant - Challenge: A word Contestant - Challenge: A word Contestant - Challenge: A word Contestant - Challenge: A word Contestant - Challenge: A word Contestant - Challenge: A word Contestant - Challenge: A word Contestant - Challenge: A word Contestant - Challenge: A word Contestant - Challenge: A word Contestant - Challenge: ~~Your Friend In Anime~~ Creator - remake Contestant - Challenge: Tough and Beautiful Contestant - Challenge: Tough and Beautiful Contestant - Challenge: Tales Family! Contestant - Challenge: Tales Family! Contestant - Challenge: Tales Family! Contestant - Challenge: Tales Family! Contestant - Challenge: Tales Family! Contestant - Challenge: tough&rough Contestant - Challenge: tough&rough Contestant - Challenge: tough&rough Contestant - Challenge: tough&rough Contestant - Challenge: tough&rough Winner - Challenge: Instramental Contestant - Challenge: sweet Thing Contestant - Challenge: [inspiration, magic, hope] Contestant - Challenge: [inspiration, magic, hope] Contestant - Challenge: Simple yet Beautiful Contestant - Challenge: Simple yet Beautiful Contestant - Challenge: Dedicated To Friendship! Creator - For the Mods Contestant - Challenge: the forbidden dance. Contestant - Challenge: the forbidden dance. Winner - Challenge: Tokio Kingdom Contestant - Challenge: Fashion Frenzy!! Winner - Challenge: Reminders.... Contestant - Challenge: The Art of Reality Contestant - Challenge: The Art of Reality Winner - Challenge: 'Tis the Season for Dedications Winner - Challenge: Synthesizers Need Love Too >3< Creator - Kuroshitsuji XD Contestant - Challenge: Snow fun Contestant - Challenge: the hardest wallpaper I ever made... Contestant - Challenge: Fire. Beuty or Beast? Contestant - Challenge: Fire. Beuty or Beast? Contestant - Challenge: Fire. Beuty or Beast? Winner - Challenge: Your Interpretation Contestant - Challenge: Who is your Devil? Creator - I remind you of who? Contestant - Challenge: Monochromatic(With Spots of Color) Winner - Challenge: anything you want! Winner - Challenge: You Remind Me Of......Katty! Winner - Challenge: You remind me of..... Creator - More lyrics Winner - Challenge: Revamp Epicness Contestant - Challenge: Vocaloid Family! Creator - Lyrics Contestant - Challenge: don\'t let time pass you by. Winner - Challenge: Strawberry Surprise Contestant - Challenge: What\'s your soul connected  to Contestant - Challenge: The Welcome to TheOtaku Contest! Contestant - Challenge: Make any Wallie you want :3 Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Contestant - Challenge: That\'s just the best card EVER, with a goal! Creator - Zombie time!! Winner - Challenge: Accent With Color Winner - Challenge: Night Of The Living Jack Contestant - Challenge: I HATE YOU!!!!! Contestant - Challenge: Give Me More Colors!! Creator - Simpson time!! Winner - Challenge: Music Contestant - Challenge: White Haired Contestant - Challenge: Vocaloid Contestant - Challenge: Just Black and White Contestant - Challenge: Love Theme Contestant - Challenge: Spring time wallpapers Winner - Challenge: Something Sweet Creator - Tokio Hotel lyrics Contestant - Challenge: Here Is Your Test Contestant - Challenge: Summer! Sea! Swimsuits! Creator - TWINS!!!! ^^ Contestant - Challenge: The Arrow points the way. Creator - Masakazu Contestant - Challenge: ThE fInAl CoUnTdOwN!!!! 8D Contestant - Challenge: Christmas \'09 Contestant - Challenge: Design Faust Contestant - Challenge: Design a Princess Contestant - Challenge: Knights of Zodiac ! Contestant - Challenge: Knights of Zodiac ! Contestant - Challenge: Best X-mas '09 Cards Winner - Challenge: Go Goth Creator - Gopher Monkey Contestant - Challenge: ~Seven Songs~ Winner - Challenge: The Military Contestant - Challenge: Darker Than Black Creator - homonculus Creator - homonculus Contestant - Challenge: Vibrent My World Contestant - Challenge: hana no GARDEN Contestant - Challenge: How Good Are You? Winner - Challenge: Best Zidane and Garnet wall Creator - The ones forgoten.. Contestant - Challenge: Something Treasured Winner - Challenge: The best Best bleach picture. Contestant - Challenge: Dead Fantasy:Radiant Princess Contestant - Challenge: Dead Fantasy Rinoa Winner - Challenge: Saddest Fullmetal Alchemist Wallpaper Contestant - Challenge: Personality Contestant - Challenge: CLAMP Art Challenge: Contestant - Challenge: School calls! Contestant - Challenge: Nothin\' But Nekos ^^ Contestant - Challenge: *~Don\'t Mess with the Cuteness!~* Contestant - Challenge: Inspire: Monochrome Factor Contestant - Challenge: Real Friends Contestant - Challenge: Real Friends Contestant - Challenge: Birthday Wishes: Bossman Style! Contestant - Challenge: Otaku and Lyrics

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