nekotonezumi Who Is Your Blood+ Date?

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Blood Plus Quizzes
blood+, date, hagi, kai, riku
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    Say you are a single-fun-and-fearless female, but you�ve had enough with the misguided type of boyfriend that had you caught up in a bad relationship. So you asked a distinguished match maker to set you up on a date. Therefore, the match maker had arranged a blind-lunch-date for you on a week end and the meeting point was in a park down town. You waited for your surprise date anxiously, and your date finally showed up. What was your first impression of him?

    He looked nice� he was slender and gorgeous, and he brought you a bouquet of lovely red roses.
    He came empty-handedly, but he looked cool.
    OMG, he was soooo cute! And he brought you some cotton candy, how sweet�
    From a far, you could see his solemn persona, and he looked just like your dad�
    He approached you by a wheel chair, and he�s got a bouquet of beautiful white roses on his lap.
    You notice his entry from a mile away, because he looked somewhat chubby�
    You were not sure if he was your date for he was staring at you with this peculiar kind of look�

    O--okay� not bad for the first impression� Although he was not exactly as you thought he was, you decided to get more acquainted with him. You tried to make conversation with him. You wanted to know about his family. He said that�

    He didn�t have a family. He wasn�t sure if he ever had parents before�
    He was an adopted kid, but he had a foster brother and sister.
    He loved his dad so much, but he didn�t mention anything about his mom.
    (looked more and more serious) �Now look, do you want to date me or my family?�
    (presented a congenial-stunning smile) �Why do you want to know?�
    (laughed for a while) �I guess I did have a family once��
    (asked back at you with his mystified voice) �What about your family?�

    Hmm, family didn�t matter, you thought, so you were not too troubled about it and carried on the chat. Next, you asked him about his occupation. He said that he was�

    A private bodyguard, but sometimes he played on a musical performance.
    A high school graduate, and he wasn�t sure if he wanted to go to college or get a job.
    A junior high kid! (and he said it out loud with proud�)
    A chief of a reserved organization that was brawling between life and death�
    An inheritance of a privileged dynasty� not to mention that he�s rich�
    A sidekick of a justice league warrior (and he said it with a funny face�)
    �I�m snooping around people�s business.�

    O boy� well, any occupation will do, you thought. You decided to ignore it and loosen up a bit. Since you had this first date arranged for you, you intended to make it worked. After another conversation or two, your date was asking you for a little walk around the park. You said yes, and there you were walking side by side with him. All through that nice walking, what he did was�

    Walking a bit behind you and sometimes covering you from the crowd, almost like he was protecting you.
    He was just walking beside you, no holding hands, he even slipped his hands into his pocket�
    He was holding your hand with exaggerated enthusiasm� and oh, you both were sharing the cotton candy�
    He was walking a bit in front of you, and sometimes looking around cautiously�
    He was telling you to be more tranquil and to be pleased to walk alongside him.
    He was looking out for doughnut vendor� or a hotdog� or a pizza�
    He was having a quick look at you over and over again�

    During your nice walk with him, and after a few minutes observation, you noticed that he sometimes looked like he was distracted by something else, it was�

    No, not at all. He was fully concentrated on you.
    Hmm, he worried so much about someone�
    This clown performed in the middle of the park�
    Everything that surrounded him� gee, what a paranoid�
    Nothing, instead you were fully distracted by his gentle persona�
    Well, have I mentioned the doughnut vendor, or a hotdog, or a pizza..???
    CURIOSITY� it was well written on his face� �duh�

    Well, it was quite a nice date, though. You considered that your date was a fine guy and you were fairly able to accept the way he was. There was only one thing that bothered you, it was�

    His quietness, sometimes he terrified you with his unspoken word�
    His coolness, sometimes he looked like he didn�t even realize that you were there�
    His amplifying spirit� you felt like you were dating your little brother�s best buddy�
    His old-fashioned point of view� you felt like you were born a decade earlier�
    His intensifying gentleness� although, you didn't mind being treated like a princess�
    His attention of 'anything else' beside you� (if you didn�t want to precisely say �food��)
    His curiosity� Doesn't he know that curiosity kills the cat???

    Above all, the date was fun and you had a great time. Seemed that your date was thinking the same way too. You hardly said good bye to him. But anyway, the date must be ended. You told him that you wanted to do another date with him, and his reply was�

    �Certainly, if that is what you wish.�
    �Sure, why not?�
    �I�D BE HAPPY TO!� (and he gave you this big, squeezing hug�)
    �Okay, but only if I�m the one who in charge of the date site.�
    �With pleasure, would you like to be invited to my castle?�
    �Of course� Say, what if we have a date to a bistro next time?�
    �No problem, as long as you can provide me with everything I want to know��

    Please describe your dating aura with these words below.

    (choose at least 2 and at most 5 answers)

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