My 5th Challenge! weeeee! man these things are addicting to make! must be because i enjoy seeing the entries people come up with!
Now about this challenge! As the title says this challenge is dedicated to friendship. Since I've been here on TheO i've noticed that TheO is like a family. Everyone is kind to each other, Everyone is friendly. I've also noticed that a big part of why I even get on is so i can talk to my friends. I've grown strong bonds with my friends here and we're like family. Thing is though i'm close friends with only 4 people on this site. Those 4 people are the people I talk to everyday and have developed a close bond with. They are the people I am proud to call my Best Friends. We even plan on meeting face to face one day and to have "anime night" together. *laughs a little*
So what I want you all to do Is make a wall dedicated to your friendship with whoever your close friends with.
I just recently made a wallpaper dedicated to my friendship with my buds xNotUnderstood and Corrupted by Sin. Its dedicated to our friendship basically! Here it is. This wallpaper is what inspired me to make this challenge! The wallpaper can be used as an example of what i'm looking for but If my too-the-point statement was confusing i'll put what i want from you guys in more depth.
What I want is for you guys to make a wall dedicated to your friendship with whatever friends you have! be it 1 close friend, 2 close friends, 3 close friends etc. but thats not all. here is the fun part:
In The Wall There Must Be An Anime/Video Game Character That Represents You And Anime/Video Game Characters that Represent Your Friends! You Must Also Put Your Name And The Names Of Your Friends Above Or Next To The Anime/Video Game Character That Represents You And Your Friends.
Also The Anime/Video Game Characters Must Be From The Same Series! Say You Like Tales of Vesperia and you have 2 close friends and you think your like Estelle, your 1st close friend is like Rita Mordio, and your 2nd close friend is like Judith then you would make a wall with Estelle, Rita, and Judith in it! You would also have to Put your name above or next to Estelle, your 1st friend's name above or next to Rita and your 2nd close friend's name above or next to Judith. Easy right? that's not so bad.
It can be characters from any series you like, from Vocaloids to Tales of Symphonia It doesn't matter just as long as It has special meaning and the characters actually represent you and your friends, you actually need to share traits with said character and your friends must share traits with the character they represent! Again pretty easy.
Now for the Rules. Gotta love em.
Winners Will Get: A Shiny Gold Medal On Your Portfolio and a gift for your hard work and dedication! The only true reward is the smiles on your friends faces. Am I wrong?
ok Please use This wall that I made as an example if you are having trouble.
If you have any questions regarding this challenge don't hesitate to ask. :3
You have Two Months!! Plenty of time to make a wallpaper for this Challenge!
Have fun! I can't wait to see all the entries! I hope the walls you guys make have special meaning for you and your friends!
Thank You Corrupted by Sin, xNotUnderstood, ElementalNinja, and cloud55strife for being the best friends a girl could ever ask for!