Wallpaper Categories
Top 15 (Recent)
- .hack - 434
- 009-1 - 6
- 07-Ghost - 71
- 100 Perfect Girl - 14
- 101 Dalmations - 2
- 11eyes - 8
- 12 Oz. Mouse - 1
- 3x3 Eyes - 10
- A Boy and His Blob - 1
- A Clockwork Orange - 5
- AAA - 5
- Abara - 4
- Abingdon Boys School - 2
- Absolute Boyfriend - 16
- Ace Attorney - 53
- Ace Combat - 2
- Ace of Diamond - 2
- Addicted to Curry - 8
- Adventure Time - 22
- Aeon Flux - 2
- AFI - 1
- Afro Samurai - 32
- After School Nightmare - 32
- After Sweet Kiss - 10
- Agent Aika - 2
- Ah! My Goddess - 352
- Ai Hime - Ai to Himegoto - 1
- Ai No Kusabi - 13
- Ai Otsuka - 2
- Ai Yori Aoshi - 44
- AION: The Tower of Eternity - 7
- Air - 325
- Air Gear - 160
- Aishiteruze Baby - 4
- Akachan to Boku - 1
- Akagami no Shirayuki-hime - 13
- Akame Ga Kill! - 2
- Akira - 41
- Akuma na Eros - 2
- Akuma no Himitsu - 1
- Aladdin - 11
- Aldnoah.Zero - 5
- Alice 19th - 34
- Alice in the Country of Hearts - 18
- Alice Nine - 81
- Alice's Adventures in Wonderland - 70
- Alichino - 27
- Alien Nine - 4
- All Time Low - 4
- Alvin and the Chipmunks - 1
- Amatsuki - 8
- Amazing Agent Luna - 9
- Amazing Nurse Nanako - 7
- American Dad - 1
- American McGee's Alice - 10
- Amnesia - 40
- An Cafe - 16
- Angel Beats! - 90
- Angel Dust - 121
- Angel Heart - 16
- Angel Links - 4
- Angel Sanctuary - 595
- Angel Tales - 1
- Angel's Feather - 120
- Angela Aki - 4
- Angelic Layer - 116
- Angelic Serenade - 20
- Angelique - 45
- Animal Crossing - 2
- Animatrix - 7
- Anime Sanjushi - 1
- Anne Freaks - 3
- Anohana - 7
- Another - 6
- Apocripha/0 - 24
- Appleseed - 19
- Aqua Teen Hunger Force - 1
- Aqua Timez - 1
- Aquaman - 3
- Aquarian Age: Juvenile Orion - 24
- Aquarion - 9
- Ar tonelico II: Melody of Metafalica - 13
- Ar tonelico: Melody of Elemia - 7
- Arakawa Under The Bridge - 6
- Arashi - 20
- Arashi no Yoru Ni - 1
- Argento Soma - 3
- Aria - 46
- Arjuna - 1
- Armitage - 10
- Armored Core - 1
- Army of Two - 1
- Asatte no Houkou - 2
- Asian Kung-Fu Generation - 4
- Assassin's Creed - 106
- Assassination Classroom - 4
- Astro Boy - 14
- Astroganger - 1
- Atelier Iris - 12
- Atelier Marie and Elie - Zarlburge Alchemist - 1
- Atelier Totori: The Adventurer of Arland - 3
- Attack on Titan - 77
- Aura Battler Dunbine - 2
- Aural Vampire - 1
- Avatar (Movie) - 27
- Avatar: The Last Airbender - 69
- Avenged Sevenfold - 3
- Avenger - 1
- Avengers - 8
- Avril Lavigne - 4
- Aya Hirano - 2
- Ayabie - 1
- Ayumi Hamasaki - 27
- Azumanga Daioh - 178
- B't-X - 8
- B.O.D.Y. - 1
- Babel II - 2
- Baccano! - 20
- Back to the Future - 1
- Back-On - 1
- Bakemonogatari - 21
- Baki the Grappler - 1
- Bakugan Battle Brawlers - 12
- Bakuman - 15
- Bakumatsu Kikansetsu Irohanihoheto - 7
- Bambi - 2
- Bamboo Blade - 8
- Barairo My Honey - 1
- Baron: The Cat Returns - 7
- Basilisk - 35
- Basquash! - 15
- Bastard!! - 3
- Baten Kaitos - 38
- Batman - 35
- Batman (Movies) - 25
- Battle Angel - 42
- Battle Athletes Victory - 3
- Battle Club - 1
- Battlestar Galactica - 6
- Beast Master - 18
- Beatles - 12
- Beatmania - 6
- Beauty and the Beast - 21
- Beauty is the Beast - 3
- Beauty Pop - 4
- Beck - 41
- Beelzebub - 8
- Beet the Vandel Buster - 6
- Ben 10 - 2
- Berserk - 108
- Best Student Council - 3
- Betty Boop - 2
- Beyblade - 395
- Beyond Good and Evil - 2
- Beyond the Beyond - 1
- Beyond the Boundary - 3
- Bible Black - 7
- Big Bang - 40
- Big Hero 6 - 4
- Big O - 6
- Big Windup! - 10
- Billy Talent - 1
- Biomega - 3
- BioShock - 3
- Birdy the Mighty - 1
- Birthday Massacre - 1
- Bitter Virgin - 5
- Black Beauty - 2
- Black Bird - 5
- Black Blood Brothers - 29
- Black Cat - 241
- Black Jack - 7
- Black Lagoon - 38
- Black Rock Shooter - 219
- Black Veil Brides - 1
- Blade of the Immortal - 10
- Blade of the Phantom Master - 9
- Blake's 7 - 1
- Blame! - 10
- BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger - 27
- Blazer Drive - 4
- Bleach - 8801
- Blood and Chocolate - 1
- Blood Lad - 3
- Blood Plus - 174
- Blood Reign: Curse of the Yoma - 1
- Blood Royal - 16
- Bloody Roar - 24
- Blue Exorcist - 79
- Blue Gender - 5
- Blue October - 1
- Blue Seed - 58
- BoA - 8
- Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo - 3
- Boktai (Series) - 1
- Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai - 4
- Bokura ga Ita - 22
- Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan - 8
- Bokutachi wa Shitte Shimatta - 1
- Bones - 7
- Boogiepop Phantom - 14
- Boondocks - 2
- Bottle Fairy - 42
- Boy's Next Door - 7
- Boys Be - 4
- Boys Over Flowers - 12
- Brain Powered - 5
- Breakfast at Tiffany's - 1
- Breath of Fire - 19
- Bride of the Water God - 11
- Bubblegum Crisis - 33
- Bullet Witch - 3
- Bump of Chicken - 3
- Burst Angel - 39
- Bus Gamer - 7
- Buso Renkin - 14
- C.A.T. - 1
- Cafe Little Wish - 16
- Calvin and Hobbes - 2
- Camp Rock - 1
- Canaan - 14
- Candy Candy - 5
- Cantarella - 9
- Canvas - 2
- Captain America - 6
- Captain Scarlet - 1
- Captain Tsubasa - 3
- Card Captor Sakura - 1839
- Case Closed - 199
- Casshan: Robot Hunter - 6
- Casshern Sins - 3
- Castle Crashers - 1
- Castle Fantasia - 22
- Castle in the Sky - 14
- Castlevania - 170
- Cat Girl Nuku Nuku - 16
- Cat Street - 1
- Ceres: Celestial Legend - 242
- Chance! Pop Sessions - 3
- Chaos Legion - 18
- Chaos;Head - 4
- Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - 21
- Charmed - 1
- Chi's Sweet Home - 6
- Chibi Vampire - 21
- Children of Mana - 2
- Cho Denji Robo Combattler V - 2
- Chobits - 999
- Chocolate Cosmos - 1
- Chocotto Sister - 1
- Choudenji Machine Voltes V - 3
- Choujuu Kishin Dancougar - 3
- Chowder - 1
- Chrome Shelled Regios - 8
- Chronicles of Narnia - 2
- Chrono Cross - 14
- Chrono Crusade - 198
- Chrono Trigger - 11
- Cinderella - 4
- Cirque Du Freak - 1
- City Hunter - 2
- Clamp no Kiseki - 5
- Clamp School - 57
- Clannad - 181
- Claymore - 61
- Clock Tower - 1
- Clover - 54
- Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion - 1023
- Code Lyoko - 1
- Coheed and Cambria - 1
- Coldplay - 1
- Colonel's Bequest - 1
- Comic Party - 11
- Cooking Mama - 1
- Corpse Party - 2
- Corrector Yui - 4
- Cowboy Bebop - 577
- Cradle of Filth - 3
- Crayon Shin-Chan - 1
- Crest of the Stars - 24
- Crimson Hero - 1
- Cromartie High School - 3
- Crossover Anime and Manga - 1107
- Crossover Movies - 7
- Crossover TV - 2
- Crossover Video Games - 105
- Cutey Honey - 6
- Cyberteam in Akihabara - 1
- Cyborg 009 - 11
- D'espairsRay - 10
- D.C. Da Capo - 22
- D.Gray-man - 1037
- Daa! Daa! Daa! - 5
- Dakishimete! Noir - 3
- Damekko Dobutsu - 1
- Dance Dance Revolution - 6
- Dangaioh - 8
- Danganronpa (Series) - 30
- Danny Phantom - 1
- Daphne in the Brilliant Blue - 7
- Daredevil - 2
- Dark Cloud - 4
- Darker Than Black - 134
- Darkstalkers - 42
- David Archuleta - 1
- DBSK - 39
- Dead Leaves - 1
- Dead or Alive - 43
- Dead Space - 2
- Deadman Wonderland - 26
- Dear Boys - 3
- DearS - 13
- Death Connection - 6
- Death Note - 1471
- Deltora Quest - 2
- Demashitaa! Powerpuff Girls Z - 29
- Demi Lovato - 22
- Demon Diary - 9
- Demon Ororon - 13
- Demonbane - 3
- Dengeki Daisy - 17
- Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko - 8
- Densetsu Kyojin Ideon - 1
- Derayd - 1
- Desire Climax - 3
- Despicable Me - 1
- Detective Loki - 17
- Detonator Orgun - 2
- Devil and Devil - 2
- Devil and Her Love Song - 4
- Devil Does Exist - 17
- Devil Hunter Yohko - 14
- Devil May Cry - 334
- Devilman - 4
- Dexter's Laboratory - 1
- Di Gi Charat - 158
- Diablo - 4
- Diabolik Lovers - 4
- Digimon - 194
- Dir en grey - 12
- Dirty Pair - 84
- Disgaea - 68
- Divergence Eve - 4
- DNAngel - 1364
- Doctor Who - 52
- Dogs: Bullets and Carnage - 72
- Dominion Tank Police - 1
- Donald Duck - 2
- Donkey Konga - 1
- Doom - 1
- Doraemon - 3
- Double - 1
- Doubt - 6
- Dragon Age (Series) - 5
- Dragon Half - 10
- Dragon Knight - 36
- Dragon Quest (Series) - 6
- Dragonaut the Resonance - 5
- DragonBall - 683
- Dragonforce - 1
- Dragonica Online - 34
- Drakengard - 9
- DRAMAtical Murder - 14
- Dream Hunter Rem - 1
- Duel Masters - 2
- Dumbo - 2
- Dungeon Fighter Online - 1
- Durarara!! - 191
- Dynasty Warriors - 68
- E's Otherwise - 18
- Earthian - 5
- Eden of the East - 12
- Eerie Queerie! - 12
- Ef - a tale of memories - 16
- Eien no Aseria: The Spirit of Eternity Sword - 1
- El Cazador de la Bruja - 4
- El Hazard - 6
- Elektra - 3
- Elemental Gelade - 60
- Elfen Lied - 202
- Emilie Autumn - 6
- Emily the Strange - 6
- Emma: A Victorian Romance - 10
- Enchanted - 5
- Ender's Game - 2
- Ergo Proxy - 46
- ES - 4
- Escaflowne - 141
- Et Cetera - 2
- Eternal Sonata - 13
- Eureka Seven - 996
- Evanescence - 14
- Evangelion - 649
- Ever 17: The Out of Infinity - 3
- Ever After - 1
- eX-Driver - 5
- Excel Saga - 79
- Exiles - 1
- Eyeshield 21 - 96
- F.T. Island - 5
- Fafner - 5
- Fahrenheit - 6
- Fahrenheit (Games) - 1
- Fairy Cube - 2
- Fairy Tail - 198
- Fake - 13
- Fall Out Boy - 1
- Fallout - 3
- Family Guy - 1
- Fan Characters - 12
- Fancy Lala - 3
- Fang of the Sun Dougram - 2
- Fantasia - 1
- Fantastic Children - 1
- Fantastic Four - 4
- Faster Than A Kiss - 2
- Fatal Frame - 85
- Fatal Fury - 2
- Fate Stay Night - 534
- Fate/Zero - 5
- Fight Club - 1
- Final Approach - 2
- Final Fantasy (General) - 131
- Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles - 17
- Final Fantasy Dissidia - 30
- Final Fantasy III - 20
- Final Fantasy IV - 30
- Final Fantasy IX - 105
- Final Fantasy VII - 2186
- Final Fantasy VIII - 274
- Final Fantasy X - 1074
- Final Fantasy XI - 10
- Final Fantasy XII - 173
- Final Fantasy XIII - 271
- Final Fantasy XIII (Versus) - 165
- Final Fantasy: Unlimited - 17
- Fire Emblem - 174
- First Stage of Love - 1
- Fist of the North Star - 1
- Flame of Recca - 19
- Flash - 6
- FLCL - 296
- FLOW - 2
- Flyable Heart - 5
- Flyleaf - 1
- Fort Minor - 1
- Fosters Home For Imaginary Friends - 1
- Franken Fran - 7
- Frederic Chopin - 1
- Free! - 39
- Fresh Pretty Cure - 2
- Friday The 13th - 2
- Fringe - 2
- From Far Away - 10
- Frozen - 13
- Fruits Basket - 2226
- Full Metal Panic - 188
- Full Moon - 307
- Fullmetal Alchemist - 3489
- Fushigi Yugi - 581
- Futurama - 1
- Future Diary - 8
- G Gundam - 9
- G.I. Joe - 4
- Ga-Rei -Zero- - 11
- Gackt - 57
- Gaia Online - 2
- Gakuen Alice - 52
- Gakuen Heaven - 52
- Galaxy Angel - 63
- Galaxy Express 999 - 8
- Galaxy Fraulein Yuna - 5
- Galaxy Railways - 1
- Gankutsuou: The Count of Monte Cristo - 18
- Gantz - 16
- Garfield - 4
- Gasaraki - 8
- Gatchaman - 30
- Gate Keepers - 15
- Gears of War - 6
- Generation Of Chaos - 2
- Generator Gawl - 2
- Genji - 2
- Genshiken - 2
- Geobreeders - 2
- Get Backers - 387
- Getter Robo - 11
- Ghost Hunt - 15
- Ghost Hunters - 1
- Ghost in the Shell - 756
- Ghost Slayers Ayashi - 1
- Ghost Stories - 1
- Ghost Sweeper Mikami - 2
- Giant Robo - 4
- Gilgamesh - 4
- Ginban Kaleidoscope - 5
- Ginga Densetsu Weed - 1
- Ginga Nagareboshi Gin - 2
- Gintama - 152
- Girl Who Leapt Through Time - 6
- Girls Bravo - 28
- Girls Generation - 87
- Girugamesh - 2
- Glass Fleet - 1
- Glee - 11
- God of War - 2
- Godannar - 7
- Godchild - 42
- Gokinjo Monogatari - 4
- Gokusen - 5
- Golden Boy - 3
- Golden Sun - 12
- Gorillaz - 20
- Gosick - 23
- Grand Theft Auto - 4
- Grandia (Series) - 7
- Grave of the Fireflies - 6
- Gravion - 1
- Gravitation - 257
- Green Arrow - 3
- Green Day - 4
- Green Green - 2
- Green Lantern - 6
- Grenadier - 5
- GTO - 41
- Guild Wars - 13
- Guilty Crown - 46
- Guilty Gear - 69
- Guitar Hero (Series) - 3
- Gun.Smoke - 1
- GunBound - 1
- Gunbuster - 7
- Gundam 00 - 169
- Gundam 0080 - 6
- Gundam 0083 Stardust Memory - 21
- Gundam F91 - 3
- Gundam MS08 - 9
- Gundam SEED - 2164
- Gundam Wing - 455
- Gundam X - 16
- Gundam ZZ - 6
- Gundam: Char's Counterattack - 4
- Gungrave - 58
- Gunslinger Girl - 66
- Gunsmith Cats - 2
- Gunstar Super Heroes - 1
- GUNxSWORD - 22
- GunZ: The Duel - 2
- Gurren Lagann - 153
- Guyver - 7
- Gyo - 3
- Haibane Renmei - 32
- Haikyu!! - 10
- Hajime no Ippo - 12
- Hakuouki Shinsengumi Kitan - 124
- Hakushaku to Yosei - 18
- Half-Life - 4
- Halo - 29
- Hamtaro - 11
- Hana to Akuma - 3
- Hana-Kimi - 75
- Hanasakeru Seishonen - 5
- Hanatsuki Hime - 5
- Hand Maid May - 3
- Happiness! - 1
- Happy Lesson - 21
- Harem Lodge - 1
- Harry Potter - 88
- Haru wo Daiteita - 10
- Haruhi Suzumiya - 430
- Haruka - 28
- Harvest Moon - 42
- Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law - 1
- Hatsukoi Limited - 7
- Hawkman - 2
- Hayate the Combat Butler - 6
- He is my Master - 4
- He-Man: Masters of the Universe - 8
- Heat Guy J - 2
- Heavenly Sword - 3
- Heavy Metal L-Gaim - 1
- Hell Girl - 139
- Hell Teacher Nube - 3
- Hellboy - 2
- Hello Kitty - 54
- Hellsing - 512
- Heroes - 8
- Heroic Age - 6
- Heroic Legend of Arslan - 5
- Hetalia: Axis Powers - 630
- Hey! Say! JUMP - 2
- Hibiki's Magic - 1
- Hidalgo - 1
- Hidamari Sketch - 1
- High and Mighty Color - 5
- High School Debut - 6
- Highschool of the Dead - 16
- Higurashi no Naku Koro ni - 103
- Hikaru No Go - 84
- HIM - 3
- Hinoi Team - 2
- Hirunaka no Ryuusei - 1
- Hisui no Shizuku: Hiiro no Kakera - 15
- Hocico - 2
- Home Made Kazoku - 1
- Home Movies - 5
- Homestuck - 5
- Honey and Clover - 17
- Honey Comb - 1
- Hoshi wa Utau - 3
- Hot Gimmick - 9
- House - 7
- House of Night (series) - 5
- How I Met Your Mother - 1
- How to Train Your Dragon - 10
- Howl's Moving Castle - 109
- Hozuki no Reitetsu - 1
- Huckleberry Hound Show - 1
- Hunger Games - 7
- Hungry Heart Wild Striker - 2
- Hunter X Hunter - 159
- Hurricane Polymar - 2
- Hyde - 11
- Hyperdimension Neptunia - 1
- Hyōka - 1
- I'm Gonna Be An Angel! - 3
- I, My Me! Strawberry Eggs - 6
- I, Robot - 1
- Ichigo 100 - 13
- Ichigo Mashimaro - 24
- Idolmaster: Xenoglossia - 3
- Ikki Tousen - 62
- Ikki Tousen: Shining Dragon - 2
- Il Gatto Sul G - 2
- Illusion of Gaia - 1
- Imadoki - 3
- Immortal Rain - 23
- In the Name of the King: A Dungeon Siege Tale - 1
- In This Moment - 1
- Inazuma Eleven - 7
- Incredible Hulk - 3
- Inheritance Cycle - 3
- Initial D - 33
- Innocent Venus - 1
- Inspector Gadget - 5
- Interstella 5555 - 3
- Inukami! - 3
- Inuyasha - 6286
- Invader Zim - 18
- Iria - 3
- Iriya no Sora, UFO no Natsu - 7
- Iron Man - 8
- Is This a Zombie? - 1
- Itadaki Street - 3
- Itazura na Kiss - 7
- Jack Frost - 1
- Jak And Daxter - 9
- Jamiroquai - 1
- Jars Of Clay - 1
- Jason Michael Carroll - 1
- Jet Set Radio - 1
- Jetsons - 1
- Jin-Roh - 5
- Jingai Makyou - 12
- Jisatsu Circle - 3
- JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - 18
- Jonas Brothers - 3
- Jonny Quest - 2
- Junjo Romantica - 46
- Justice League of America - 8
- Justice Society of America - 1
- Juusou Kikou Dancouga Nova - 1
- Jyu Oh Sei - 5
- K-ON! - 342
- Kaikan Phrase - 12
- Kaine - 1
- Kaleido Star - 218
- Kamelot - 1
- Kamen Rider - 4
- Kamichama Karin - 36
- Kamichu! - 4
- Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne - 136
- Kamisama Kiss - 19
- Kannagi No Tori - 1
- Kannagi: Crazy Shrine Maidens - 10
- Kannazuki no Miko - 26
- Kannivalism - 1
- Kanon - 164
- Kanon Wakeshima - 7
- Kantai Collection - 2
- Kara no Kyoukai - 17
- Karas - 25
- Kare First Love - 1
- Kare-Kano - 39
- Karneval - 20
- KAT-TUN - 17
- Katamari Damacy - 1
- Katekyo Hitman Reborn - 520
- Kaze Hikaru - 3
- Kaze no Stigma - 13
- Kaze to Ki no Uta - 3
- Kekkaishi - 12
- Kelly Clarkson - 2
- KenIchi the Mightiest Disciple - 20
- Kiba - 39
- Kichiku Megane - 2
- Kid Icarus - 8
- Kiddy Grade - 98
- Kids on the Slope - 1
- Kikaider - 8
- Kiki's Delivery Service - 18
- Kill Bill - 1
- Kill la Kill - 5
- Kim Possible - 6
- Kimagure Orange Road - 2
- Kimba the White Lion - 1
- Kimera - 1
- Kimi ga Nozomu Eien - 8
- Kimi ni Todoke - 97
- King of Bandit Jing - 15
- King of Fighters - 159
- King of Hell - 1
- Kingdom Hearts - 2155
- Kino's Journey - 9
- Kirby - 30
- Kiss - 1
- KissxSis - 2
- Kitchen Princess - 2
- Klonoa - 5
- Knights of the Zodiac - 646
- Kobato - 87
- Kodocha - 17
- Kodomo no Jikan - 9
- Kokoro Library - 2
- Komatta Toki ni wa Hoshi ni kike! - 2
- Korn - 2
- Kotetsu Zieg - 2
- Kumi Koda - 9
- Kurau: Phantom Memory - 4
- Kure-nai - 3
- Kurenai no Namida - 2
- Kuroko's Basketball - 19
- Kuroshitsuji - 750
- Kyo Kara Maoh! - 165
- Kyoran Kazoku Nikki - 4
- L'Arc-en-Ciel - 12
- La Corda D'Oro - 48
- Labyrinth - 74
- Lady Death - 2
- Lady Gaga - 4
- Lady Lovely Locks - 9
- Lain - 114
- Lamento: Beyond the Void - 16
- Langrisser - 8
- Last Blade - 1
- Last Exile - 90
- Last Unicorn - 6
- Law of Ueki - 12
- LazyTown - 9
- Le Chevalier D'Eon - 64
- League of Legends - 12
- LeAnn Rimes - 1
- Left 4 Dead - 2
- Legal Drug - 10
- Legend of Basara - 4
- Legend of Black Heaven - 3
- Legend of Chun Hyang - 2
- Legend of Dragoon - 28
- Legend of Mana - 3
- Les Paul - 1
- Liar Game - 1
- Lilim Kiss - 2
- Lime-iro Senkitan - 1
- Lineage - 82
- Linebarrels of Iron - 1
- Linkin Park - 10
- Lion King - 12
- Little Busters! - 8
- Little Mermaid - 8
- LM.C - 7
- Lollipop - 1
- Looney Tunes - 12
- Lord of the Rings - 59
- Lost in Blue - 1
- Lost Odyssey - 1
- Lost Passage - 10
- Lost Universe - 8
- Love Hina - 178
- Love Pistols - 1
- Loveless - 404
- Lovely Complex - 47
- Lucky Star - 153
- Ludwig Kakumei - 1
- Lufia: The Legend Returns - 2
- Luminous Arc - 7
- Lunar 2: Eternal Blue Complete - 10
- Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete - 10
- Lupin the 3rd - 28
- Lux Pain - 1
- M-Flo - 1
- M.D. Geist - 1
- M.I.A. - 1
- Mabinogi - 7
- Maburaho - 34
- Machine Girl - 1
- Machine Robo - 1
- Macross - 107
- Madlax - 4
- Madman - 1
- Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic - 14
- Magic Knight Rayearth - 402
- Magic User's Club - 2
- Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha - 43
- Magical Shopping Arcade - 6
- Magna Carta - 143
- Mahoromatic - 17
- Mai HiME - 109
- Mai Otome - 34
- Maid Sama! - 77
- Maiden Spirit Zakuro - 3
- Majin Devil - 1
- Majin Tantei Nogami Neuro - 10
- Major - 7
- Makai Kingdom - 1
- Malice Mizer - 5
- Mamotte Shugogetten - 5
- Man of Many Faces - 9
- Mana Khemia: Alchemists of Al-Revis - 2
- Mandy Moore - 1
- Mar - 14
- Maria-sama ga Miteru - 27
- Mariah Carey - 1
- Marilyn Manson - 2
- Mario - 42
- Marmalade Boy - 20
- Maroon 5 - 1
- Mars - 31
- Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack - 1
- Mass Effect - 9
- Maximum Ride - 1
- Maximum the Hormone - 1
- Mazinger Z - 22
- Medabots - 4
- Mega Man - 127
- Megatokyo - 24
- Megazone 23 - 3
- Meine Liebe - 4
- Mekakucity Actors - 6
- Mello - 1
- Memoirs of a Geisha - 4
- Memories Off - 25
- Merlin - 12
- Mermaid Forest - 3
- Mermaid Melody: Pichi Pichi Pitch - 185
- Merupuri: The Marchen Prince - 14
- Metal Armor Dragonar - 6
- Metal Gear Solid - 25
- Metalocalypse - 1
- Metroid - 18
- Metropolis - 5
- Michael Jackson - 19
- Midnight Secretary - 1
- Midori no Hibi - 29
- Miku Hatsune - 1685
- Millennium Actress - 3
- Millennium Snow - 1
- Minami-ke - 1
- Mindless Self Indulgence - 5
- Mirage Of Blaze - 7
- Mirmo Zibang! - 8
- Mirror's Edge - 1
- Miseinen Lovers - 1
- Misfits - 3
- Mixed Vegetables - 4
- Miyavi - 63
- Mobile Suit Gundam - 48
- Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam - 11
- Model - 6
- Moe Kare!! - 13
- Moetan - 3
- Moldavite - 68
- Mon Colle Knights - 1
- Monochrome Factor - 71
- Mononoke - 10
- Monster - 24
- Monster Hunter - 1
- Moon Child - 2
- Moon Phase - 11
- Moonlight Lady - 132
- Moribito: Guardian of the Spirit - 5
- Morning Musume - 6
- Mortal Kombat - 28
- Mospeada - 3
- Mouse - 1
- MPD Psycho - 2
- Mulan - 11
- Muramasa: The Demon Blade - 4
- Murder Princess - 10
- Musashi: Samurai Legend - 2
- Muse - 2
- Mushi-shi - 21
- Muteki Choujin Zanbot 3 - 1
- Muteki Kojin Daitarn 3 - 1
- Muteki Robo Trider G7 - 1
- Muv Luv - 6
- My Chemical Romance - 19
- My Hero Academia - 11
- My Little Pony - 170
- My Neighbor Totoro - 27
- Myself; Yourself - 1
- MySims - 4
- Mysterious Girlfriend X - 11
- Mystery Science Theater 3000 - 1
- Nabari no Ou - 85
- Nadesico - 37
- Nadia: Secret of Blue Water - 2
- Najica Blitz Tactics - 3
- Nana - 180
- Nana Kitade - 3
- Nana Mizuki - 1
- Nanatsuiro Drops - 8
- Naruto - 10362
- Natsume Yujin Cho - 20
- Nausicaa - 20
- Negima - 139
- Neopets - 21
- Nerima Daikon Brothers - 2
- News - 4
- Nightmare - 23
- Nightmare On Elm Street - 3
- Nightwalker - 11
- Nightwish - 9
- Ninja Gaiden - 9
- Ninja Scroll - 36
- Nirvana - 6
- No Game No Life - 6
- No More Heroes - 8
- No. 6 - 16
- Nobodyknows - 2
- Nodame Cantabile - 14
- Noein - 7
- Nogizaka Haruka no Himitsu - 2
- Noir - 92
- Now and Then, Here and There - 1
- Nurarihyon no Mago - 30
- Nurse Witch Komugi - 10
- O-Parts Hunter - 2
- Oban Star Racers - 29
- Odin Sphere - 23
- Oh, Ionia! - 4
- Ojamajo Doremi - 14
- Okami - 37
- Okane Ga Nai - 33
- Omamori Himari - 1
- One Piece - 1179
- One Punch Man - 3
- Onegai Teacher - 50
- Onegai Twins - 1
- Oni - 2
- Operation Sanctuary - 3
- Orange Range - 1
- OreSkaBand - 1
- Original Anime and Manga - 792
- Orphen - 44
- Othello - 4
- Other Anime and Manga - 10133
- Other Books/Comics - 80
- Other Internet - 153
- Other Movies - 166
- Other Music - 386
- Other TV - 211
- Other Video Games - 739
- Otoboku - 1
- Otogi Zoshi - 51
- Ouke no Monshou - 10
- Ouran High School Host Club - 850
- Outlanders - 1
- Outlaw Star - 63
- Over Drive - 1
- Over The Garden Wall - 1
- P!nk - 1
- Pacific Rim - 1
- Pan's Labyrinth - 3
- Pandalian - 1
- Pandora Hearts - 273
- Pani Poni Dash! - 8
- Panic at the Disco - 8
- Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt - 17
- Papa Roach - 1
- Paper Mario - 1
- Paprika - 2
- Paradise Kiss - 41
- Paramore - 11
- Paranoia Agent - 14
- Parasite Eve - 10
- Parasyte - 1
- Parfait Tic! - 4
- Patalliro Saiyuki! - 1
- Patlabor The Mobile Police - 10
- Peacemaker Kurogane - 219
- Peach Girl - 19
- Peanuts - 2
- Penguin Brothers - 1
- Penguin Revolution - 1
- Perfect Blue - 3
- Perfect Dark Zero - 1
- Perfect World - 1
- Perfume - 8
- Persona - 138
- Personal - 1430
- Peter Pan - 9
- Petit Monster - Puchimon - 1
- Petite Cossette - 4
- Petite Princess Yucie - 1
- Petshop Of Horrors - 18
- Phantasmagoria - 1
- Phantasy Star - 2
- Phantom Brave - 5
- Phantom of Inferno - 1
- Phantom of the Opera - 3
- Phantom: Requiem for the Phantom - 2
- Phineas and Ferb - 9
- Pieces of a Spiral - 31
- Pikmin - 4
- Pilot Candidate - 55
- Pirates of the Caribbean - 7
- Pita-Ten - 259
- Placebo - 4
- Planet Robo Danguard Ace - 1
- Planetes - 1
- Plus Anima - 40
- Pocahontas - 2
- Pokemon - 683
- Pom Poko - 2
- Ponyo - 7
- Portal - 2
- Powerpuff Girls - 6
- Pretear - 140
- Pretty Cure - 11
- Prince of Persia - 14
- Prince of Tennis - 658
- Princess Ai - 31
- Princess and the Frog - 5
- Princess Aurora - 1
- Princess Comet - 1
- Princess Debut - 1
- Princess Jellyfish - 3
- Princess Lover! - 2
- Princess Maker - 5
- Princess Mononoke - 94
- Princess Princess - 19
- Princess Rouge - 1
- Princess Tutu - 92
- Prism Ark: Prism Heart - 5
- Prism Time - 1
- Professor Layton and the Curious Village - 1
- Project A-ko - 4
- Prototype - 4
- Psycho-Pass - 10
- Psyren - 1
- Pucca - 3
- Puella Magi Madoka Magica - 88
- Pumpkin Scissors - 4
- Punch! - 1
- Puni Puni Poemy - 8
- Punisher - 2
- Q-ko-chan - 1
- Queen - 3
- Queen of the Damned - 3
- Queen's Blade -Ruro no Senshi- - 16
- Quilt - 15
- Radiata Stories - 2
- Ragnarok - 121
- Ragnarok Online - 14
- RahXephon - 39
- Rainbow Brite - 2
- Rammstein - 6
- Ranma 1/2 - 217
- Rapunzel - 7
- Ratchet and Clank - 1
- Rave Master - 57
- Ray The Animation - 1
- Read or Die - 41
- Real Bout High School - 8
- Rebirth - 2
- ReBoot - 1
- Record of a Fallen Vampire - 15
- Record of Lodoss War - 48
- Red Ninja: End of Honor - 6
- Red River - 54
- Reideen - 1
- Rental Magica - 4
- Repo! The Genetic Opera - 2
- Resident Evil - 122
- Resonance of Fate - 4
- Revolutionary Girl Utena - 129
- RF Online - 3
- RG Vega - 29
- Rhythm Heaven - 1
- Rideback - 1
- Riot - 2
- Rise of the Guardians - 1
- Ristar - 1
- Riviera: The Promised Land - 2
- Robert Plant - 1
- Robotech - 17
- Rock Band - 1
- Romeo x Juliet - 38
- Ronin Warriors - 51
- Rosario and Vampire - 48
- Rozen Maiden - 282
- Rule of Rose - 1
- Rune Soldier - 1
- Runescape - 1
- Rurouni Kenshin - 1168
- RustBlaster - 2
- RWBY - 31
- S.A. - 21
- Saber Marionette - 18
- Saikano - 81
- Sailor Moon - 2903
- Saint Beast - 24
- Saint Tail - 5
- Saiyuki - 1679
- Sakura Hime Kaden - 8
- Sakura Wars - 48
- Samurai 7 - 75
- Samurai Champloo - 356
- Samurai Deeper Kyo - 190
- Samurai Jack - 3
- Samurai Pizza Cats - 3
- Samurai Shodown - 20
- Samurai Warriors - 66
- San-X - 6
- Sanctus Real - 2
- Savage Dragon - 1
- Say "I Love You" - 3
- Saya no Uta - 5
- Sayonara Zetsubo Sensei - 19
- Scandal - 2
- School Days - 8
- School Rumble - 45
- Scooby-Doo - 4
- Scrapped Princess - 15
- Scrubs - 2
- Scryed - 102
- SD Gundam Force - 1
- Se7en - 2
- Secret of Mana - 2
- Seigi wo Aisuru Mono Gekko Kamen - 1
- Seimaden - 1
- Sekirei - 6
- Sengoku Basara - 22
- Seraphim Call - 1
- Seto no Hanayome - 6
- Sex Therapist - 3
- Sgt Frog - 12
- Shadow Hearts - 16
- Shadow of the Colossus - 11
- Shadow Star Narutaru - 1
- Shaiya - 21
- Shakugan no Shana - 186
- Shaman King - 330
- Shamanic Princess - 6
- Shangri-La - 2
- Sharknife - 1
- Shattered Angels - 2
- Shazam! - 3
- She-Ra: Princess of Power - 2
- Sherlock - 1
- Sherlock Holmes - 12
- Sherlock Hound - 1
- Shigofumi: Letters from the Departed - 2
- Shiki - 19
- SHINee - 10
- Shinigami no Ballad - 13
- Shining Tears - 76
- Shining Wind - 44
- Shinku - 1
- Shinkyoku Soukai Polyphonica - 3
- Shinobi - 1
- Shinobi Life - 3
- Shinzo - 12
- Shirahime-Syo: Snow Goddess Tales - 2
- Shitsuji-sama no Okiniiri - 1
- Shonen Knife - 3
- Shonen Onmyouji - 13
- Shoujo Eve - 3
- Shout Out Loud! - 1
- Shrek - 3
- Shrine of the Morning Mist - 1
- Shuffle - 202
- Shugo Chara - 361
- Silent Hill - 51
- Silent Mobius - 7
- Silver Chaos - 9
- Simple Plan - 9
- Sims - 2
- Sin City - 2
- Sister Princess - 210
- Sket Dance - 18
- Skies of Arcadia - 10
- Skip Beat - 76
- Skull Man - 1
- Skunk Fu! - 1
- Slam Dunk - 6
- Slap Up Party -Arad Senki- - 6
- Slayers - 149
- Sleeping Beauty - 10
- Snow White - 8
- Sohryuden - Legend of the Dragon Kings - 13
- Sol Bianca - 4
- Sola - 20
- Solty Rei - 4
- Someday's Dreamers - 14
- Song of Ice and Fire - 1
- Sonic - 288
- Sora Iro no Organ - 31
- Sora no Otoshimono - 1
- Sorcerer Hunters - 11
- Soul Calibur - 165
- Soul Eater - 380
- Soul Hunter - 47
- SoulTaker - 2
- South Park - 3
- Space Adventure Cobra - 1
- Space Carrier Blue Noah - 2
- Space Dandy - 2
- Space Ghost - 2
- Space Pirate Captain Harlock - 29
- Space Warrior Baldios - 3
- Space: 1999 - 6
- Spaceballs - 1
- Spawn - 6
- Speed Grapher - 11
- Speed Racer - 5
- Spice and Wolf - 41
- Spider Riders - 1
- Spiderman - 18
- Spiral - 251
- Spirit - 2
- Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron - 1
- Spirited Away - 101
- SpongeBob SquarePants - 2
- Spriggan - 3
- Spyro - 2
- St Trinian's - 1
- Star Blazers: The Quest for Iscandar - 99
- Star Driver - 2
- Star Fox - 3
- Star Ocean (Series) - 73
- Star Ocean Ex - 56
- Star Trek - 33
- Star Wars (Movies) - 10
- StarCraft - 5
- Stargate (series) - 1
- Starry Sky - 24
- Static Shock - 1
- Steel Angel Kurumi - 9
- Steins Gate - 25
- Step Up Love Story - 7
- Steven Universe - 1
- Storm Hawks - 1
- Stratos 4 - 3
- Strawberry Panic - 51
- Strawberry Shake Sweet - 1
- Street Fighter - 90
- Strider - 1
- Submarine Super 99 - 3
- Sudeki - 13
- Sugar Princess - 1
- Sugar Sugar Rune - 4
- Sugar: A Little Snow Fairy - 33
- Suicide Club - 1
- Suikoden - 29
- Suite Precure - 5
- Suki - 6
- Sukisho - 86
- Sumomomo Momomo - 2
- Super GALS - 16
- Super Junior - 12
- Super Robot Wars - 28
- Super Sentai - 2
- Super Smash Bros - 12
- Supergirl - 4
- Superjail! - 1
- Superman - 12
- Supernatural - 41
- Suzuka - 2
- Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street - 4
- Sweet Blue Flowers - 1
- Sword Art Online - 80
- Sword in the Stone - 1
- Sword of Mana - 2
- t.A.T.u. - 4
- Tactics - 38
- Tail Tale - 30
- Tale of Two Sisters - 3
- Tales from Earthsea - 5
- Tales of (Series) - 112
- Tales of Symphonia - 371
- Tales of the Abyss - 84
- Tales of Vesperia - 61
- Tangled - 5
- Tatsunoko Fight - 1
- Tears to Tiara - 2
- Teen Titans - 14
- Tegami Bachi - 32
- Tekkaman Blade - 1
- Tekkaman: The Space Knight - 1
- Tekken - 145
- Telepathic Wanderers - 1
- Tenchi Muyo - 263
- Tenchu - 8
- Tenjho Tenge - 162
- Tenshi Ja Nai!! - 2
- Tetsujin 28-go - 3
- Tetsuwan Girl - 1
- Texhnolyze - 1
- That 70's Show - 3
- The Betrayal Knows My Name - 24
- The Crow - 1
- The Emperor's New Groove - 1
- The Flowers of Evil - 1
- The Gazette - 873
- The Gentlemen's Alliance Cross - 70
- The Girl Who Leapt Through Time - 1
- The Hobbit - 1
- The Idolmaster - 6
- The L Word - 1
- The Maine - 1
- The Nightmare Before Christmas - 19
- The Postal Service - 1
- The Seven Deadly Sins - 9
- The Simpsons - 4
- The Story of Saiunkoku - 85
- The Tale of Mr. Jeremy Fisher - 1
- The Terminator - 1
- The Third: The Girl with the Blue Eye - 5
- The Vampire Diaries - 8
- The Wallflower - 37
- The World Ends With You - 62
- The World of Narue - 1
- theOtaku.com - 125
- Thirty Seconds To Mars - 57
- This Ugly Yet Beautiful World - 10
- Threads of Fate - 2
- Three Days Grace - 3
- ThunderCats - 8
- Tiger and Bunny - 13
- Time Stranger Kyoko - 31
- Titanic - 1
- TM Revolution - 4
- To Aru Majutsu no Index - 12
- To Heart - 41
- To Love-Ru - 22
- Tobari - 84
- Togainu no Chi - 57
- Tokimeki Memorial - 2
- Tokio Hotel - 73
- Tokyo Babylon - 49
- Tokyo Crazy Paradise - 2
- Tokyo Ghoul - 66
- Tokyo Godfathers - 3
- Tokyo Gore Police - 1
- Tokyo Majin - 8
- Tokyo Mew Mew - 632
- Tokyo Pig - 1
- Tokyo Underground - 2
- Tomb Raider - 26
- Toradora! - 67
- Torchwood - 1
- Tosho Daimos - 3
- Total Drama Island - 1
- Totally Spies! - 1
- Touhou Project - 233
- Touka Gettan - 21
- Toward the Terra - 6
- Toy Story (Series) - 2
- Train Man: Densha Otoko - 6
- Transformers - 143
- Transformers (Movie) - 15
- Trapt - 1
- Trigun - 524
- Trinity Blood - 245
- Tsubasa - 1604
- Tsukihime, Lunar Legend - 51
- Tsuyokiss - 3
- Turn A Gundam - 2
- Twelve Kingdoms - 20
- Twilight (Series) - 112
- Two and a Half Men - 2
- Ultimate Muscle - 1
- Ultra Maniac - 13
- Ulysses 31 - 1
- Umineko no Naku Koro ni - 53
- Unlimited Saga - 1
- Unreal Tournament - 6
- Urusei Yatsura - 23
- Uta no Prince-sama - 27
- Utada Hikaru - 3
- Utawarerumono - 87
- UVERworld - 2
- Uzumaki - 6
- V Factory - 1
- V.B. Rose - 4
- Vagrant Story - 19
- Valkyrie Profile - 24
- Vampire Game - 6
- Vampire Hunter D - 58
- Vampire Knight - 1071
- Vampire Princess Miyu - 112
- Vampirella - 2
- Vamps - 5
- Van Helsing - 2
- Vandread - 37
- Vassalord - 13
- Venus Versus Virus - 14
- Versailles - 45
- Victory Gundam - 3
- Video Girl Ai - 2
- Viewtiful Joe - 3
- Vinland Saga - 9
- Virtua Fighter - 1
- Vivid - 17
- Voices of a Distant Star - 5
- Voltron - 9
- w-inds - 1
- W.i.t.c.h. - 19
- Wagaya no Oinarisama - 2
- WALL-E - 2
- Wand of Fortune - 24
- Wanted - 1
- War of Genesis - 55
- Warcraft - 13
- Warriors (Series) - 1
- Warriors Orochi 2 - 3
- Watchmen - 10
- Wedding Peach - 16
- Weiss Kreuz - 179
- Welcome to the NHK - 13
- Whisper of the Heart - 2
- Whistle! - 3
- White Clarity - 16
- Wicked - 1
- Wild Adapter - 20
- Wild Arms: Twilight Venom - 13
- Wildcats - 2
- Winnie the Pooh - 6
- Wish - 43
- Witch Hunter - 6
- Witch Hunter Robin - 103
- Witchblade - 18
- Witchblade (Comics) - 2
- Within Temptation - 3
- Wizard of Oz - 2
- Wolf's Rain - 695
- Wonder Woman - 6
- Working!! - 1
- World Destruction: Michibikareshi Ishi - 12
- Wreck-It Ralph - 2
- X - 650
- X Japan - 6
- X-Files - 1
- X-Men - 37
- X-Men: Evolution - 9
- Xamd: Lost Memories - 3
- Xenogears - 3
- Xenosaga - 102
- xxxHolic - 195
- Yakitate!! Japan - 12
- Yami No Matsuei - 185
- Yami to Boshi to Hon no Tabibito - 66
- Yankee-kun to Megane-chan - 11
- Yoake Mae yori Ruri Iro na - 8
- Yotsuba - 38
- You're Under Arrest - 3
- Younha - 15
- Your lie in April - 5
- YouTube - 2
- Yozakura Quartet - 1
- Ys - 55
- Yu Yu Hakusho - 1237
- Yu-Gi-Oh - 3092
- Yui Ichikawa - 1
- Yukikaze - 5
- Yumeria - 4
- Yuusha Raideen - 3
- Zatch Bell - 12
- Zelda - 340
- Zenki - 11
- Zero no Tsukaima - 17
- Zetman - 6
- Zoids - 30
- Zombie Loan - 87
- Zombie Powder - 3
- Zone of the Enders - 17
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