Heyo Everyone~!
Thanks to those who have entered the last challenge, and in general, for those who have entered this challenge more than once! I'm really impressed and delighted for all of your entries and I'm always amazed by all your hard work and dedication!
Seeing we're on the 7th round, this challenge is only valid to those who have entered previous rounds :(
Rules (cause you gotta have 'em)
~Only ONE submission for each individual challenge. Each part of the marathon will have a theme (this one is posted at the end of the page)
~Explain how the wallpaper relates to your life. Just a short explanation will do. :D
~Please have your signature
~You don't have to dedicate it to me.
~JUDGING THIS TIME will be based on how interesting your wallie looks, as it's your holiday paradise. ;D
First: 1 fan art (real or anime/manga) and 1 gift
Second: 1 wallie and 1 gift
Third: 1 ecard and 1 gift
Honorary mention(s): 3 icons/1 gift