As an avid wallpaper creator, I've noticed that often, when we create a lot of wallpapers, we start having a set method of doing things. We do the same things to our scans, we use similar images, we do the finishing touches the same way. This challenge is about doing something completely different than you normally do. If you use a lot of different images in your wallpapers, try using only one. If you use a lot of paintbrushes, try only using textures. It's all up to you.
- Link all your sources
- Limit is two wallpapers
- Keep it PG-13!
- Any wallpaper you do must be different than what you normally do, but your two submissions do not have to be different from each other.
- Explain what you did differently.
Brownie Points:
- Discuss any problems you had in trying something new.
- Discuss whether you would try and create another wallpaper using a similar method in the future.
- Dedicate it to someone other than me and say why you dedicated it to that person.
An example can be found here.
- First Place: 2 Wallpapers, 10 Icons
- Second Place: 1 Wallpaper, 10 Icons
- Third Place: 1 Wallpaper, 1 iWallie