Rainbow Dragon Spring time wallpapers

I am just so sick of winter. We have alot of snow where I live and I am just ready for spring to get here. I wanna see some green grass and pretty flowers all over the place and it would be nice not to have to wear a coat all the time. The point of this challenge is to make a spring themed wallpaper, with lots of flowers,blue skies, and green grass. It can feature any anime or manga character or a character/s from any fandom. Let me explain the rules.
1.You must make a spring themed wallpaper,it can feature any anime or manga or whatever fandom you want.
2.ABSOLUTELY NO PLAGIARIZING! If you take credit for someone else's work, your wallpaper WILL BE DISQULIFIED!
3.Be creative with your wallpapers. I wanna see some time and effort put into your wallpapers. Don't just take an image and stretch it on the wallpaper,those kind of wallpapers drive me crazy.
4.YOUR NAME MUST BE SOMEWHERE ON THE WALLPAPER! I say this because I want to be able to tell who made what wallpaper
5.Give credit to the resources you use to make your wallpaper. They worked hard to make those images and they deserve credit for their work. Also don't use Google as an image source,unless you don't remember the site URL you found it from. You can use Photobucket as a credit for an image source however.
6. Just have fun and be creative. I look forward to seeing all your wallpapers.
1st place will get 2 wallpaper requests and a gift thanking you for your participation
2nd place will get 1 wallpaper request and a gift thanking you for your participation
3rd place will get 1 wallpaper request
You have 2 months to get your wallpapers in and I will be judging on creativity and how well you followed the rules. Anyone is welcome to enter and good luck to everyone who wishes to participate in the challenge

1 member Favoritefavorite
Other Anime and Manga
11 entries
Disqualify Entry
Challenge completed
Spring full of flowers ~OniiBabba
Ichigo in the Spring ~Morbid Dollie
Spring wishes from Kero! ~twinklesakura
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